Aquarius' POV I

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"Finally... I'm done," I lightly brushed my hand over the last picture in the scrapbook. Sagittarius' huge arms wrapped around my small frame. I should've felt more comfortable; he's always been nothing but careful with me, but I instinctively tensed up.
"I think it's the best one yet," he said through a light smile.
"Me too."
His arms fell away as he turned to walk back to the kitchen. He still lived with his parents and I visited often. I have my own place but it's not well furnished since I've been moving a lot.
"Are you coming with us later tonight?" Sag asked.
"Uh," I bit my lip, "Who's coming?"
He shrugged, "Just, uh, you know, my friends."
"Aries and Gemini." He tried to sound as innocent as possible.
"Yeah I think I'll pass."
He half frowned, but came back with an,"Ill make it up to you," promise.
I could meet up with Leo. I texted her and had evening plans in seconds.
Minutes after Aries and Gemini came to pick up Sagittarius in Aries' rusty old car, Leo pulled up to my driveway. Her car was black and polished, with all the bells and whistles. The newest CRV out there. I climbed in the passenger seat, and looked at her for a second before scoffing, "Nice ride."
She finished her makeup in that panel mirror thing before tossing her hair over her shoulder and squealing, "I know!"
"Did you just get it for no apparent reason?"
"Well, it was my mom's birthday, she got the newest Mercedes Benz 4Matic or some shit. I don't remember the name, but it was really nice."
"So you got this one...?"
"Yeah, her old one."
I raised a brow, "Honestly, how old is it?"
"A couple months, like half a whole year," she replied, trying to make it sound old.
"Most people don't even have their cars paid off in a year," I laughed.
"What are you, my cheapo grandma?"
"More like broke-ass auntie Aqua." I riposted; she giggled.
She hesitated for a second but said, "You and I know you're financially stable, maybe if you didn't have to support Sagittarius-"
"I don't support him financially, his parents do," I said quickly.
"Aqua, you know that's not what I'm saying," she made a left turn and continued. "Like, you guys should be supporting each other."
I'm not sure why you're giving me advice when your relationships haven't lasted longer than maybe a month. "Yeah don't worry about us. I mean, your boyfriend isn't husband material, either," I retorted.
Leo looked a little annoyed, but I had a point. She said, "Aries is a great guy. He can get a little daring but I think that's hot."
"Wow, 'a little daring', ok..." I scoffed. She gave me a quick sideways glance before turning into a Steak-n-Shake parking lot.
We walked in together, remembering those Friday nights after school when Pisces, Scorpio (occasionally), Leo and I would all meet up here. We'd talk and gossip, bluffing about how we would miss classes.
"Forget about all that in the car," Leo told me. "Our relationships are our own problems, until some douche thinks he can get away with hurting my best friend." She added the last part quickly.
"Damn right." I laughed, a smile forming on her face.
The waitress seated us in a booth by a window. She took our orders of burgers, fries and shakes, the usual.
"So how's your job been?" Leo asked, followed by a sip on her M&M's vanilla milkshake.
"I hate it. So much." I rolled my eyes. Leo had been encouraging me to get a job at her friends workplace, a guaranteed steady income, but staying in a cubicle for almost 12 hours, not even a full intern meaning not even getting full wage, it might be the death of me. She had already heard all my complaints. She'd always ask if it was fitting me better, and the answer was always no.
"Any cute guys?" Leo continued, scrolling over something on her phone.
"I hate how you just forget about Sagittarius like he's some sort of nuisance," I glared at her.
She rolled her eyes, "Yeah sorry." When I say we're like sisters, I mean it, squabbling and all.
Our burgers were delivered and we dug right in. "God, I missed these," Leo smiled, her mouth half full.
"Me too," I grinned, before taking my first bite. Halfway through my meal, my phone rang.
"It's Sag," I told Leo, answering. "Hello?"
"Hey, its Gemini. Don't hang up... Please. Don't freak either."
"What happened?" I asked sharply, forgetting how to breathe, maybe the boys were pranking.
"We're at the hospital, Sag needs you here," Gemini said, sounding panicked.
"Are you serious?"
"I wish I was kidding."
"We'll be right there," I looked at Leo and hung up. "We need to go, like right now."
"What? Why!?" Leo followed me to the front counter, paying quickly and hauling ass.
I explained the few details I knew on the way to our towns small hospital. I could only imagine what I was about to see.

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