Taurus' POV II

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I figured I'd let Virgo take over, as he enjoys to. I knew he was a wonderful planner and trusted he'd have something wonderful up his sleeve. Yes, it might sound a little naive, but he was my best friend. The road trip was never ending. I still believe we visited over 20 gas stations. The number of times they'll play the same song again and again on the radio over the course of seven hours still amazes me.

"Taurus, I think we're here." Virgo said, and by the sound of his voice, I knew he was tired of driving.

"One sec, I'm about to break my high score." I replied, knowing I'd annoy him.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Of course," I looked up to see many brilliant buildings and an assortment of cars, so many cars. All the colors were mesmerizing. "Where are we?"

"A little place I used to visit as a kid. You haven't seen anything yet." He smiled.

"I don't know what you're planning, but does it involve food anytime soon?"

With a sigh and a half smile he replied, "Yes, were almost there."

"Do I get any hints?"

"Nope, stop right there." He smiled.

"Not even lunch? No hints about anything?"

He turned up the volume to drown out my consistent questions. He began to sing along (quite loudly, may I add) to Sugar by Maroon 5.

I'm sure he knew I could never turn down a moment like that. Obviously, I sang along. Wholeheartedly. Virgo brought me a sense of happiness I never thought I would feel. That was the very moment I realized I was falling in love with my best friend.


"Who gave you your driver license? McDonalds!?" Virgo yelled aloud. I snickered at his terrible road rage. "At home, we'd never have such traffic." He grumbled.

"I know, I lived there, too, remember?"

He glared at me before turning his eyes back to the slow progress ahead of him. "God, this is taking forever."

"Mhm, it's almost two o'clock."

"I know."

"So... since we had planned to be there at this time, can I know now?" I asked hopefully.

"I want it to be a surprise."

"Do you not know where we're going either!?"

"No! Of course I know! Do you really think I've been driving around aimlessly this whole time?"

I looked him in the eyes as if I had suspected something, but I was just messing around. "Virgo?"

"Yes, Taurus?"

"Do you remember that one concert we had together?"


"I mean, any other one was either you attending mine or I attending yours. It was when you were in the orchestra and I was in the choir."

"Oh, yeah. That night I spilled punch on my rental tuxe."

"Well that did happen, but besides that."

"What did I forget?"

"How much fun we had." I said, thinking about that one particular night. "To anyone else, it might've been a bunch of band geeks losing their shit. But to me, riding in the back of the ambulance with Cancer, or Capricorn accidentally denting one kid's tuba, or Aries getting his hair set on fire, was probably one of the best night's of highschool for me."

"Ooh, I remember. Wow, that was crazy." Virgo shook his head. "Why'd you randomly think of that?"

"I guess just singing with you. Weird isn't it?"

Virgo raised a brow.

"Simple moments can bring back such memories sometimes. I think that's beautiful."

I could feel Virgo looking at me after I had said that. Whether he understood or not, I wasn't sure I actually wanted to know. I turned to meet his stare, but he turned away that very second.

"That was cute." He finally said.

"Cute?" I echoed.

"Yeah, I think it's cute when you get into little things like that."

"Well, thank you."

He nodded and made another right turn.

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