Pisces' POV I

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A/N: Funny how this is probably going to get published on Valentine's Day... Don't worry I've got a plan for poor Pisces.The model used to represent him is Lucky Blue Smith, who is very attractive omg, and is actually straight so there you have it. Oh, and guess who's going to be using more animations now??

 Oh, and guess who's going to be using more animations now??

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Cancer with Gemini, Leo and Aries, Aqua and Sagittarius... and no one to love for me. I lay on my bed, as I often do, wondering why I wasn't in a relationship like the others. I never liked sulking, the pity pep talks were tiring.

Besides, I had to go to work.

I shimmied myself out from under the covers, grabbing a light orange polo and khakis colored pants. I headed to the bathroom, multitasking wonderfully, with my skinny legs being crammed into my pants in one hand and my other combing my hair.

After the usual, teeth brushing, hair fluffing, face washing, belt looping procedure, I threw on my shirt and buttoned it up.

With my gear packed from the previous night, I made it out of the house on time. 5:30 to be exact.

I met with a new crew out in a field filled with fruit trees. They had a few fresh faces ready when I arrived. They explained the plan while I pieced together my camera and other equipment.

The thing I enjoyed most about being a photographer was being able to decide what shots look best, and trying out new features, but I also loved the spontaneous way it worked. I'll have a job at a wedding one week, and a photo shoot in a orange tree field the next.

I did my normal angles, basically every angle, and had the models do every pose in the book. One stood out. He had dark brown hair and some stubble. He was dressed in bohemian hipster apparel for the shoot and stood at over 6 feet tall.

"These shots are turning out really well," I said to him, scrolling through the pics.

"Really?" he looked up and slightly smiled, "Thanks."

Three hours later, I had acquired more than enough pictures of the six of them. The boss called lunch break and we all headed to Chipotle.

I watched the models order specifically altered to their own diet. The crew and I had ordered before them and were waiting for the total at the cash register.

We found a longer table for the whole group and quickly settled, chatting up where we were going to sit. One of the interns helped the employee bring over our large order causing a big scramble on who's plate was who's.

Once we got situated, everyone's true personalities were displayed. The snotty models versus the more open ones, but I couldn't quite read the one I had met earlier. As if he had read my mind, he leaned in from across the table and asked,"Since you're the photographer, I'm sure you know what to look for. Any advice?"

"I'd say you're doing just about everything right," I smiled to myself, eating a spoonful of rice.

"There has to be something I need to know."

"I'm no modeling expert, just open up more, be more friendly with the crew," I advised.

"What's your name?"

He cleared his throat and replied, "You can call me Ophi." He returned my smile for once. Instead of continuing our short-lived conversation, he got up to throw away his trash and got stuck in a small crowd of fans along with the others.

I couldn't help but steal one last glance before following the crew out.

I couldn't help but steal one last glance before following the crew out

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