Cancer's POV I

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Cancer's POV
I was exhausted. I don't think I'd ever gone about with less than 6 hours of sleep before. And that night I hadn't slept at all. Cap changed into one of those super big T shirts and little shorts that made it look like she wasn't wearing pants, and I wore my grey and black joggers and a matching tank top from Pink.
"Night, Cancer," Cap called out from the other room.
"Goodnight," I called back, climbing into my bed.


"I found a great deal for some Jungle Expedition tickets! We could all go together," she exclaimed. I turn my head to see my best friend from middle school, Leo. Her hair was cut short with bangs covering her entire forehead.
"That's a great idea! What do you think, Cancer?" I turn to see middle school Pisces, before he came out to everyone. He looked terribly uncomfortable in his Nike apparel. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I couldn't see it then. He'd do everything to fit in with the other kids. Realizing my own thoughts, I turned around to see Leo in her teenage form, casually holding a knife?

I turn again, looking at Pisces for help, and I witness him side with Leo. They'd both stare at me blankly before Leo lunges with her knife to stab me. It goes right through me, but I feel so empty it doesn't hurt like one would think a knife wound would feel like.

Right before I drop dead, the scene changes, showing my classmates and I all in our graduation robes, diplomas in hand, standing in an empty field that runs for as far as my eyes can see.

It's all smiles and laughter until we all throw our caps in the air, my eyes following my own cap, watching it slowly fall back down. When I look around again, some of my classmates have disappeared, others have started running in all different directions, the remaining have guns pressed to their temples.

"No!" Is the only thing I can manage to scream out before I hear gunshots go off around me. I can't bear the thought of anyone doing such a thing to themselves. I could've helped them. Guilt starts to overtake me although I didn't even remember their faces.


I wake up sobbing, very disturbed by my awful nightmare. Capricorn rushes to my room, to see whats wrong I assume.

I cry for everything, was I even crying in my sleep? Probably.

"What happened?" Cap panicked.

"I just... I had a bad dream." I sighed, I shouldn't be saying that at 20 years old.

Capricorn took a seat on the edge of my bed. "You know, they say certain junk foods can cause bad dreams, and it seems like you've had your share." She pulled up a box of wrappers and soda cans.

"You've been cleaning?" I asked, partially shocked.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep much," she shrugged.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Ehh," she craned her neck to see the nearest clock. "Seven hours maybe?" She said after a second of calculating.

"Woah so what time is it?"

"Ugh, so many questions. Come to the kitchen with me. We can keep talking and I'll make you something to eat."

I do just that, holding a giggle when Caps says, "Now, I'm not the best cook, it's either scrambled eggs or a gourmet bowl of Lucky Charms."

"Wow, what wonderful choices," I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Tell me about your dream," she said, searching my fridge for eggs.

I explained in detail, cringing when I had to repeat the last scene. Well, I cringed most of the time actually.

"Okay, you basically had a trip to the past. Your childhood friends literally backstabbed you- but in front of you- meaning that it was obvious, whether you could see it then or not. And the open field with your dressed classmates is also really clear. You're all on your own now, so things are different. You've lost some friends out of the blue, and some people you know have metaphorically killed themselves. You know some of your friends have ruined their lives foolishly and you feel guilty."

"That makes sense. I think your eggs are burning."

"Ugh. Screw this, let's get breakfast from somewhere instead."

"Dunkin' Donuts?"


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