Capricorn's POV II

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So here's a surprise I wasn't expecting- Cancer throwing a party...

Considering how early in the morning it was, only a few people remained at the party, most of them drunken and/or passed out. One character fairly sober was a tall guy with dirty blonde hair and green twinkling eyes, as if he hadn't pulled an all nighter.

"Oh hey, I think you kinda missed the party," he smiled.

"Darn," I said slowly.

"Well I guess you aren't the partying type."

"I guess I'm weird like that." I scoffed.

"Guess so. I'm Gemini." His smile returned.

"Capricorn." I half smiled.

Cancer returned to the living room with us, handing me a red solo cup with some dark liquid inside.

"I see you've met my love," she chirped.

"Love? My goodness, Cancer, what other surprises do you have awaiting?"

She grinned, not saying much more, so I quickly added, "I'm so happy for you!"

"Aww thanks! Tell me if you need anything, I'm going to deal with all these unconscious folks."

"Good idea," I eyed the sleeping, drooling guy on the couch.

"Oh and you'll be staying in this room over here, so you can put your stuff down and whatever," she told me.

I opened the door to my room, finding it was already occupied....

With a subtle scream of disgust, I flew right out the room, slamming the door behind me. "You okay?" Cancer called out.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I found my way to the kitchen and set my bag down behind the counter. I set my drink down and got another cup to fill it with water. I took a small sip and walked over to cancer, who was furiously shaking some sleeping dude in attempt to wake him up. Taking one more sip, I flipped the cup over his head and watched his eyelids spring open.

"Gah what was that for!?" He grunted.

"I think I know you," I glared at the grungy looking man.

"I've never seen you in my life!" I definitely knew this guy from somewhere.

"Yeah okay," I spun on my heels and wandered back to Gemini and a few others (barely) remaining awake.

"We should help Cancer," I suggested. Gemini pushed himself off the table he was sitting on, and a girl followed behind.

"I'm Libra," she introduced herself.

"I'm Capricorn, or Caps for short."

"Nice to meet you."

We continued our conversation as we sided Gemini, helping him pick up trash and arranging the couch pillows. The room was a little hazy, and dark with only a few lamps still working (the others had gotten a little dismantled). Many smells clashed over one another, and the mess was a little overwhelming.

After we had cleaned a majority of the clutter, and almost everyone was aided home, the three of us were left alone.

"So does he live here, too?" I asked Cancer while we were in the kitchen.

"Not yet, we're planning to get a house together. Hopefully in a couple years?" She shrugged.

"You never told me you were in such a serious relationship," I said popping the last 'p' in 'relationship' and smirking as if it were a middle school crush.

She blushed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna get headed back to my place," Gemini said, walking out of Cancer's room.

"Alright, love ya," Cancer said admiringly. I could see why. Gemini was a total charmer. He walked to the door and turned around, blowing Cancer a kiss before heading out. At this point it was almost  sunrise and all we wanted to do was sleep.

"Lazy day?" Cancer asked sleepily.

"I'd love to," I laughed.

In less then half an hour, the two of us were in a deep sleep.

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