finding sam

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sam pov 

as i walked through the town i found a small abandond  park. it was beautiful even if it was a bit skankey. i pushed past the dead tree branches and sat on a rusty bench. i pulled my knees up to my chest, layed my head in my arms and thought about everything. why am i so unlucky it is like i am doomed to hell for as long as i can live. why did zayn have to be so crule with that man i know he wasnt my dad but he looked like it and with what zayn said to scare me it just brought back bad memories im alone now i know i had harry and the others but i duno i guess i just got scared of sudanly being wanted and cared for i duno. i then saw a little black and white kitten  walking on its own then 5 other big cats came up to it and started grooming it , it was so cute to watch. then the small kitten jumped on the big black ones back and the cats strolled off into the night. it was so cute that 5 big cats would just pick up a small stray kitten and love it without question. it kinda reminded me of the boys and how they came and loved me . i felt a tear slowly fall from my eye i quickly wiped it away. i left them i ran away so why should i cry im better off with out them arnt i ?

zayn pov 

i followed harry over the fence and down the ally, as we can to the end of the ally we saw her muddy foot prints it led to a bus stop in a small lane but they stopped on the edge of the road i guess she took a bus. gawd poor harry looked like he could cry but i then pointed out there was only bus that came by here and there was one in 5 mins. he relaxed a little but still looked so upset why was i such a jerk to her, i know she hurt lou but still she must be hurting having to ignore him. im such a fool. me and haz waited for the next bus in silance and i texted  liam and niall to drive around the town to look for her and to check the house. when the bus pulled up me and haz got on and sat on a black seat at the back and watched as the city turned into countryside. i couldnt help smiling as it was so peacfull and calming. 

harry pov 

 i cant belive sam would do this, she ran away from us without any warning. i know she was upset but she could have talked to one of us, if she had i wouldnt be stuck on this crummey bus, going into the stinking country. we got off the bus in a small quite town and began to look in each shop for her. we walked into a clothes shop and looked in every rail of clothes in case she was hiding but no look, we asked every one if they had seen her but it was like she was invisable as no one had seen her. we looked every where in the small town but she wasnt there. i sat down on a wall defeated, im never going to find her. then zayn said " well haz you know her best where do you think she would go" i looked up with tears in my eyes and replyed " i dont know she never mentions any hobbys or anything about herself she just prefers to be alone"then i saw it, there was a small opening that leads to an old park. i ran towards the gap and slowly stepped through the leaves to find sam sitting curled up on a bench i froze. what if she runs away again and hates me, i cant do it i dont know why but i cant. 

zayn pov 

i knew he wouldnt just go to her so me and the others made a plan i texted the boys the location and then we decided it would be easyer if we just grabbed her. the boys where parked around the corner so came round. liam had rope and tape, niall had his food and a belt and i had gotton a cloth as i know we have to drug her. we decided to keep this from harry as we knew he wouldnt like it. 

sam pov 

i was sat there for about 1h but then i heard a crunching noise i froze , some ones here. then i herd a loud breathing noise and then a thud , i stood up and walked further into the park and thats when some one came up behind me and grabbed my arms i couldnt see who it was i just struggled but they where strong then i felt a cloth being placed over my mouth and nose, it was soft but smelt funny.  my eyes went blurey and my legs went weak i felt myself fall into someones arms  but now theres nothing its pitch black. 

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