the house

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Alice pov

i don't  know why i did that i just panicked  i feel so annoyed the boys all look worried for me but they shouldn't do. we pulled up in front of a big house it was grand and had a shiny black door Louis whispered to me welcome home Ali i don't know why he said that this isn't my home , i don't have a home and my name is Alice not Ali but i couldn't say that so i just nodded my head and slid out of the car behind then with my small bag in my hand. when we stepped inside it was amazing as there where 3 black chairs and a black sofa around a plasma TV with all the latest games consoles and games. the carpet was white and fluffy it was like living a dream then harry said well this is home, would you like  to see your room. i nodded my head and followed him up the stairs until we came to a massive hallway with 7 doors the first door on the right was Liam's room then next to it was Niall's room across from that where the bathroom and zayns room next to nails room was Louis room then accros from his was harrys room so i guessed the door at the end of the corridoor was mine. harry opend the door and we stepped inside there was a doubble bed in the corner nearest the window and a small tv on a set of draws infrount the walls where painted lilac and the floor was carpeted black there was a personal bathroom through one door wich i was glad about as i wouldnt have to share and through another door was a walk in wardrobe i was amayzed this room was fit for a princess yet it was all for me. harry then left me to unpack i placed the few clothes i had  in the wardrobe and my hairbrush and little makeup i had in the bathroom i then took out my small old teddy and placed it on the bed. i sat down and thourght silantly to myself so this is where im to stay for a bit but i knew not to get my hopes up as nothing ever lasts.

harrys pov 

i showed alice to her room she stayed silant the whole time but i could see she was loving her room i was glad about that but why wouldnt she talk to any of us where we that bad and scary i hope she will talk soon. i left her to unpack and made my way downstairs. i found the others sat on the sofa watching a random kids show so i stood infrount of the tv and said guys we need to talk about alice. they instantly looked up and agreed. we all found it wird that she hadnt spoken and seemed scared of any physical contact so we decided at tea we would try and find out about her and her intrests if she would say anything 

liams pov 

when we got in harry took alice upstairs to see her new room the rest of decided we should wait downstairs as if we crouded her we where afraid we would frighten her we all waited downstairs. i put the tv on and flicked through the channels but we wernt foucused on the tv we where all waiting to see what she thourght harry then came down the stairs and told us she was unpacking and we needed to talk about her as she wouldnt speak to any one of us and we wanted her to open up and be able to trust us but we couldnt think of anything so we decided we would try asking her questions when we sat down for tea i hope she starts talking soon it must get so lonly on her own with no one to talk to about how she is and what she has done i hope we are able to be friends with her and form a bond with her as we realy do care for her even if we only met her 2 hours ago 

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