The Nightmare

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I was hoping to see Alex' eyes open. After so many hours, I gave up and drifted off to asleep.

Of course, a nightmare was expected.

I was standing near an entrance with Alex and the man. I didn't know what the entrance was for. Then I saw some words. It was written by blood. Very blurry. I can't read the words. We entered the place instead.

I can say it was a gory, dark and a messy place. The place had uneven smell. Bones were everywhere. These must had died many years ago. There were bloody weapons hung on the walls. Axe, chainsaws, knives, hammers, scissors, and many more. I heard some noise, like someone was in a hurry. So I looked back. The leaves were moving to the left because of the wind. We followed the path the leaves were going.

We saw houses made of bricks. Bloodstained bricks. They looked burned. I was curious. Why did these houses look burned? But there were no damages.

We continued walking in the alley. The chills were all over our body. The cold breeze moved my blonde hair. After a few seconds, something sharp and invisible touched my face. The blood dripped to my hands. Alex covered her mouth and her eyes widened.

"Sis, what happened?"

"I don't know. I felt something sharp touched my skin. Stay alert! Maybe it is trying to attack us now."

"Prepare your weapons. Don't separate." The man told us.

We continued walking until the end of the alley. We saw a house made of concrete. No damage. No blood. No mark of being burned. All white. No bloody smell. A confused look filled our faces.

"I've never seen a house like this since I left." The man said.

I was puzzled. "Let's enter the house."

"Kim? Is that you? Help us! I'm here with your dad." My mom screamed. They heard my voice. They were moaning as if someone was torturing them.

"Mom! We will help you, hang on!" Alex shouted.

My heart stopped beating. I was so close; I can reach out to their voices. But I can hear my parents were in pain. I feel like my heart was torn to two.

The two-door entrance was open, so we ran as fast as we could.

Then we heard a laughing voice. It sounded evil. It's like whispering in my ears. I asked Alex if she heard something. We stopped running. We were shocked when the man screamed and was groping his ears. I tried to hold his shoulders but it was so cold, and he was sweating a lot.

"Let's hide first! Maybe it's a trap!" He tried to tell us what he has to while moaning. We hid inside a dark house. It was grisly, but empty. We felt a little safe. I sat on the floor and leaned at the wall.

I took the first aid kit and cured my wound. I placed bandage on it. I waited for the man to recover. He breathed heavily and freely.

I realized that there is a window above my head. I peeked at it and was hoping to hear or see my parents. But a very disgusting and scary creature was standing in the two-door entrance. It was twisting its head and looked at me quickly with his crimson eyes. I was shocked and I hid under the window. Alex and the man were talking and there I was, perspiring and shivering. Then I did the stupidest thing I ever did, I peeked again in the window.


The creature and I were facing each other. What a disgusting and creepy face it was. I couldn't describe his face. I trembled in fear. I couldn't shout. I couldn't duck. I was paralyzed by those crimson eyes. He laughed evilly, and said,

"You will never find them! Hahahaha! You're mine now."

 I woke up. I tried to scream but there was no voice coming out. But another peculiar thing happened; I hadn't seen a black figure. 

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