Chapter 6: New Digs

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After spending the night in Cairo at an inexpensive hotel with an extremely cranky Rainey, Roth wasn't looking forward to the next five-hour drive to Bahariya Oasis. However, his ward fell asleep during most of the drive and he enjoyed the peace and quiet. When the oasis materialized through haze in the distance, he smiled and remembered his "camel" assignment. It had been over fifty years since that mission and, since then, the highway from Cairo had been built and the target of that assignment, Tahnoon Kahlifa, would be in his seventies.

Gently shaking Rainey, he said, "Wake up. You don't want to miss this." Although he'd tried not to startle her, she jerked upright. "Whoa, girl, everything is okay."

"What's happening?"

"I woke you so you could watch our descent into Bahariya. It's a beautiful oasis with several communities. We're going to be staying in the town of Bawiti."


The sarcasm in her voice made Roth wish he hadn't awakened her.

She released the band holding her hair and scrubbed her hands through the tangled mass before securing it again. Roth watched from the corner of his eye. She looked like hell.

"So, since I have no clothing and no toiletries, what do you propose to do about that? I am not sleeping in my clothes another night."

"I don't mind pointing out that you have nothing because you didn't pack your suitcase as requested."

"Don't you mean as ordered?"

"As ordered for your protection."

"Whatever. As soon as we're settled in our hotel and I've had time to bathe, I want to go shopping."

"What makes you think we'll be staying in a hotel?"

Rainey rounded on him. "I hope you're just having fun at my expense, because if you aren't, and we're not staying at a decent hotel, I'm going to be more pissed than I already am. I will make your life hell, Mr. Beowolf!"

Roth ignored her barb and returned his attention to the view, enjoying the startling contrast of green vegetation to glittering sand—an Eden planted in the midst of a desert. He remembered the luscious trees of dates, lemons, mangoes, olives, and guavas growing amidst palm trees lending beauty and mystery to an already exotic destination. It felt good to be back.

When they entered the outskirts of Bawiti, Rainey started another harangue, but Roth drove through the village ignoring her outburst. Yes, much had changed. The modern era had definitely encroached. He spotted a small hotel and pulled into the parking lot, grinning at Rainey. "Just kidding about not staying at a hotel."

She sputtered and jerked the handle of her door. It didn't open.

"Unlock my door!"

Roth laughed. "Rainey, we're not in a luxury vehicle, you have to unlock it yourself." She looked back at her door and fumbled around before locating the lock and jerking the door open. Mumbling under her breath she darted inside the hotel. When Roth entered, she stood at a small counter impatiently tapping her foot. "Hellooo," she called. There was a delicious smell of food wafting through closed curtains behind the counter.

Roth sauntered over. When he reached the counter, a young, turban-headed man brushed the curtain aside and welcomed them. "Hello, you want room?" he asked in English.

"Yes, please," Roth said and pressed his hand into the small of Rainey's back when she started to speak. "My wife and I would like a room for tonight, maybe longer." He gently pressed her back again to keep her silent.

Roth: Protector(Shapeling Trilogy #1) (2nd edition)Where stories live. Discover now