2. Bonds

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Without hesitation, Kankuro grabbed his hand a sat Gaara down beside him. There was no reserve in Gaara, everything just sort of flooded out. An avalanche of feeling so to speak. No holding back like he used to, no being scared to confess secrets to the ones who care about him. Well, maybe this one, but he couldn't turn back now it was already out in the open.

Eyes downcast, every once and a while he'd look up and meet his brothers gaze, trying to judge his reaction. He never got one, it was always the same frozen expression of dead silence. Gaara didn't know if he liked that or if he would of preferred an obvious answer. He hated not being able to read how Kankuro was feeling.

"What do you think I should do, Kankuro? Should I tell him or leave it be?"

"I'm not so sure it's a good idea to tell him, little brother. Plus, doesn't he like that pink haired, loud mouthed, little brat?"

"I..I'm not sure. Why must feelings be so frustrating? Is..is this what love feels like...?"

Kankuro was floored. He hadn't expected Gaara to think of it as deep as that. As he was listening, he dismissed it as nothing more than a silly dream. He never believed there was any underlying meaning to it. I mean, hell, he's had dreams like that about Kiba before but never viewed it as changing his sexuality.

After growing up with Gaara as nothing more than hatred covered in flesh, Kankuro often forgot that Gaara's been developing more human emotions than just hate. Although he never thought love would be one, especially this soon.

There was one thing Kankuro just couldn't understand. Why Naruto? Aside from the fact he understood Gaara, knew what it was like to feel so much hatred. To be viewed as a monster when it wasn't your choosing. He knew, he understood. Other than that, Kankuro didn't understand. That blond idiot was like the energizer bunny on drugs. He was loud, impulsive, outspoken, and just plain annoying.

What Kankuro didn't know is that bonds as deep as the understanding they have for each other flower deeper feelings.

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