Chapter 18: Engagement pt 3

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Chapter 18: Engagement pt 3

Nina's POV

I point out the restaurant so she knows where to pull over. "Aw looks cute." My mom remarks putting the car in park. I grab my bag and get out of the car, waiting for my mom. We walk in the clear glass door and grab a table. "How many?" The waitress asks. "UH, four please." I say flashing a smile. "Right this way." The waitress leads us over to a nice table. Luckily the restaurant isn't busy so, I don't have to talk about my wedding. "The girls will be here soon, but I recommend the peanut butter, banana smoothie." I tell her handing a menu. "Oh! Sounds yummy." We wave the waitress over and order our drinks, as soon as we do Bonnie and Caroline come in. "Hey!" I wave them over and they come in setting their purses down. We all look at the food menu and then decide to talk. "So, have you picked out where your having the ceremony?" My mom ask and Candice and Kat quickly listen in. "Yes, we already picked out the church." I say with a smile thinking back on it. "What church?" Kat asks instantly interested. "Lutheran Church of The Ascension." I say with a smile. Candice and Kat say their 'awes' in unison. "I'll drive you by there soon." I tell my mom and all of our drinks come by. We all order our food and begin to talk about the reception. "Any idea of where you want to have it?" My mom asks me. "No clue, it'd be nice to find an old barn but I'm not sure yet." I say looking to Candice and Kat hoping for some ideas. "A rustic barn would be perfect with your dress!" Candice exclaims getting excited by the idea. "Any one up for an adventure after lunch?" I ask with a smile. "Lets do it!" Kat says showing her white teeth. "Mom, in or out?" "In of course!" She says with a warming smile. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I look at the screen seeing Paul's face. "I'll be right back. Can someone start looking up old barns please?" I ask as they all nod their heads. "Hey baby." I say smiling into the phone. "Hey babe, are we busy next weekend say around two?" "Uh, no do we need to be?" I ask happily. "No, just look even more gorgeous than you do on Saturday at two." He says and I can sense his smirk. "Paul I can sense your smirk. What are you up to?" I ask trying to hold back a giggle. "You'll see. I love you Nina." He says ready to hang up. "Okay, love you Paul." I hang up the phone and go back over to my friends. "What was that about?" My mom asks me smiling. "I honestly have no clue." I say in responds to my mom. "So, any news for the barn?" I ask taking a drink of my smoothie. "Yeah, four hits. I'm getting the directions now, already sent emails so they know we're coming." Candice says proud of her work. "Awesome!" Right after Candice updates me on the reception. After lunch we all leave and Candice sends me the directions to the first old barn and my mom and I make our way there. "Hey do you mind if I call Paul on the way there?" I ask setting up my phone's blue tooth to the car. "Yeah, no problem." My mom tells me giving me a reassuring smile. I press Paul's name and wait for him to pick up. "Hey love." He says calmly into the phone. "Hey baby! So, the girls and my mom and I are going to go look at some places for the reception. We're headed to an old barn like we talked about. You can meet us there if you want or I can send you photos and we can discuss them later? What sounds best?" I ask, not able to stop smiling thinking about our future together. "Text me the address and I'll meet you guys there. I'll leave now. I love you!" I say to him happy he'll be able to see all of the barns with us. I smile at my mom and turn on some music as a nervous and excited feeling takes over my stomach. "You'll be fine." My mom says out of the blue. "What do you mean?" I ask suddenly confused. "I can tell how nervous you are, it'll turn out just fine, everything turns out beautifully." My mom reassures me. All I can do is smile back at her. We pull up five minutes later and I can already see how rustic and beautiful it is. My mom and I both turn and smile back at each other. We stay in the car talking until Kat and Candice pull up. I get out to let them know that Paul is coming. "Hey guys, so Paul is coming and I'd like to wait and go in with him? Do you mine waiting in the car until he gets here? He'll be here soon?" I ask hoping they'll say yes and confused on why I'm so concerned. "Yeah of course!" They both say in unison. "Perfect." I say in a regular tone, feeling some of the pressure on my stomach melt away. I walk back to my car and continue talking to my mom.

Kat's POV

"So, party." I say and Candice's face instantly lights up more, if that was even possible. "Okay, so are we gonna tell Paul or no?" I ask her as the first order of business. "No, two shocked faces are better than one." She says sounding as though she already has everything figured out. "Okay so how are we gonna convince Paul and Nina to come?" I ask wandering how she'll figure this one out. "Well, we'll give them the address and tell them that we set up a nice dinner for them and that we're paying." Candice says with a smile. "You pulled that one out of a hat quickly." I say laughing. "Hey I've got most of it figured out we just need to figure out a caterer and the guest list." Candice says taking out her phone ready to type notes. "Okay, guest list first. So Julie, Joseph, Danielle, Phoebe, Daniel, Daniel Sherman, Claire, Charles, Leah, and um, Steven, Michael, Zach, Matthew, Michael Malarkey, Sara, Chris, Kayla. Who else, I know I'm missing some." I say thinking about everyone Nina's ever talked about. "Oh! Julianne, Derek, Shenae, Emma, Anna, Wilmer, Lea, Matthew Morison, Lily, Sasha." Candice adds to the list. "Okay, so we have Nina covered, now Paul. Of and don't forget her dad." I add in. "Okay, so Paul's parents, Ben, his sisters, Justin, Adam, anyone else?" I ask since Paul and Nina share a lot of the same friends. "Well, there is one more." Candice says. "Who?" I ask already knowing where its going. "Ian...should we invite him or..." Candice says drifting off. "Yes, that way he has the option, not coming or coming is up to him." I remark confident in my answer. "Okay." Candice writes down the name and shuts her phone off. I look out the window and see Nina get out of her car and hug a man. "Paul's here." I say ready to get out of the car. "Wait, food." Candice says in a sudden panic. "I know a guy. It'll be great. Stop by my apartment later, I'll have him bring by samples. Now let's go before they get suspicious." I smile at Candice and we both get out the car.

Nina's POV

I see Paul's car and quickly run out and hug him. "Hey baby!" I jump hug him wrapping my legs around his torso. "Hey baby girl." I hear him whisper in my ear. My mom gets out of the car and Paul gentle sets me down. "Hi Mrs. Dobrev." Paul says smiling at my mom. "Hi Paul. Please call me Michaela." My mom says smiling making me happy. "Y'all ready to go see it?" Kat asks walking over to us with Candice. "Let's go." I say holding Paul's hand we all walk in. Inside we find white washed wood with a raw ceiling and a stage in the front. It was beautiful. I start walking around pointing out where we would hang lights and where chandeliers, the set up of tables. Everything. "It's the one." Paul says walking up to the center of the barn where I was standing. "It's the one." I face him smiling. He kisses me. The world stops spinning, nothing in the world matters. It's just me and the love of my life.

A/N Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time! School has been insane! I'm glad I could fit in this chapter for you guys and I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be getting to the party soon so this was mainly a filler chapter. Thank you so much for reading and I will be updating the rest of my books this weekend because I have a four day weekend! So I love y'all so so so much! Please leave comments I love reading them!



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