Chapter 3: Pulling a Lexi

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Chapter 3:Pulling a Lexi

Nina's POV

I could hardly focus during yoga. I mean sure I did fine but, all I could think about was Paul. Why did he kiss me? He loves Torey right? I love Ian..Right? The class finally finished and Candice, Kat and I were about to head to the mall when I told them what happned. Kat was driving and made a quick u and started driving to Paul's house. "KAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I scream at her not knowing what to say. "You are gonna go talk to him! Nina you have to know what happened when you guys kissed!" KAt says firmly back to me. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!" I scream back. "Yes, you do Nina, you've been waiting three years for this moment, take it." Candice says in a calming tone. "Ok." I say. "Good cause we're here." Kat says unlocking the door. "Crap crap!"I say undoing my seatbelt. I open my car door and walked over to Paul's door. I take a deep breath and ring his doorbell. "Nina." Paul says. "Paul... you said you uh wanted to talk." I say looking at him. He looked perfect of course. His hair was messy from his work out, which I could that he just got home because he wasn't wearing a shirt just sweat pants. "Uh yeah, come in." Paul says moving to the side letting me enter. "So, did you uh just get home?" I ask him walking over to his couch. "Uh yeah I did." He responds sitting across from me. "Can you stop with all of the uhs. Come on Paul we're best friends. Tell me whats up." I say looking at him. "I don't know." Paul says looking down. "Fine! I'll be more speciffic then. Paul Wesley why did you kiss me?" I say more sternly. "Nina Dobrev, why did you kiss back?" Paul asks me with the same tone as I asked him. "Oh please! Don't act like you don't know!" I yell standing up. "WHAT! WHAT AM I MISSING!" Paul yells back walking towards me. "THAT PAUL WESLEY I'M INLOVE WITH YOU!" I scream. He grabs the smalls of my back and pulls me close so that our faces are only an inch apaprt. "Good." He says before crashing his lips on mine. Paul slowly pulls away. "Paul we really shouldn't." I say softly still keeping my eyes closed. "Shhh." Paul whispers before placing his lips back on mine. It felt perfect, like it was meant to be. Everything felt right, like nothing in the world exsisted, it was jsut us. Fireworks were going off, no matter how cheesy that sounds it is 100% true. Paul sets me down on the couch and gets on top of me. "Paul we shouldn''m with Ian..." I say out of breath pushing Paul off of me. "I'm sorry your right. I don't know whats been going with me." Paul says putting his head in his hands. "I know! I'll tell you what we're gonna do!" I say with a smile."We're?" Paul questions. "Yup! I'm gonna pull a Lexi!" I say with a chuckle. Paul also chuckles. "Which is?" He asks still laughing. "We are gonna go to a club and get totally wasted!" I say laughing. "Alright! Sounds great! I'll pick you up at 8." Paul tells me. "And then I'll call a cab to take us home!" I say laughing. "Sounds great!" Paul says giving me a hug. Theres thatg feeling, chills down my spine. All I want to do is kiss him. I some contain myself. "I'm gonna call Kat to pick me up." I tell Paul releasing myself from the hug. "OK, do you need me to get you anthing?" He asks me. Ug he's such a gentleman. "Uh yeah a coke please." "Ok no problem." Paul says walking into the kitchen. I call Kat and tell her to swing by and pick me up. Paul comes in carring a coke. "Here you go." Paul says handing me a chilled coke. "Thanks!" I say smiling. There it was the awkward silence. "Can we talk about the uh." I start but Paul interrupts me. "The kiss." Paul says looking at me. "Well kisses" I correct hi trying to ligten the mood. "Honestly Nina, I don't know. I really don't. Maybe it cause of the wedding I don't know." Paul says looking down. "Paul I understand and maybe someday we will become something more. Probably not cause you engaged but, I don't know so lets play our cards and see what happens." I tell him holding his hand. I look down on my phone and see that Kat texted me that they're here. "Well Kat and Candice are here. See you tomorrow and just wait for the worst hangover ever!" I say with a smile. I lean in and kiss his cheek. I go over to his front door and leave. I hop in the back seat of Kat's car next to Candice. "Spill!" Candice says. I tell them everything and by the time I was done we were at the mall. We all ran into the mall with our sunglasses on. We look around the corner and make sure the coast is clear. Once we see that it is, we grab hands and squeal. "Now I believe that Nina Dobrev has a hot date tomorrow night!" Candice says. "It's not a date!" I state blushing. "To bad your still gonna look hot!" Kat says. The two girls grab my hands and drag me into Nordstrom.

A/N hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry if it's short! But on Wednesday I'll be driving to Nashville!!!!!!! So I'll be in the car for a while and I'll update as many chapters as I can!!!! Please continue to leave comments it literally puts a HUGE smile on my face and makes my day!!! I love y'all!!!!!

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