Chapter 16: Engagement part 1

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Chapter 16: Engagement part 1:

Nina's Pov

I watch as Paul slowly stands up, I can tell he is not sure if he heard me correctly. When he finally stands up all the way, I slowly lift my hands to meet his cheeks and pull his face close to mine and kiss him, my new fiance. I can feel his body loosen as his arms wrap around my lower back, just barley above my butt. We separate from our embrace, as he removes the ring and slips it on my finger. It was gorgeous the most beautiful engagement ring I have ever seen. A silver band covered in smaller diamonds, in the center a huge diamond with small blue diamonds surrounding the big one in the center. I begin to tear up as I realize how real this is, how in about a year I would be married. My ears stop ringing and I can hear everyone on set clapping for us. I run over to Kat and Candice as they pull me in for a tight embrace. "OH MY GOD!!! CONGRATS!!" Kat says actually screaming. "LET ME SEE THE RING!" Candice says grabbing my hand to look at the new jewel. "HE LOVES YOU A LOT!" Candice says making Kat and I giggle. I left Kat and Candice to go over and hug Julie. "Thank you Julie." I say tearing up again. "What for, your the one engaged." "But I wouldn't be here, with this amazing family, with my new finance, with my best friends, with my success, with you. I wouldn't of had any of the stuff I have today without you casting me as Elena Gilbert in 2009. So thank you." I say hugging Julie tearing up again. "Your welcome, and thank you for taking the role of Elena Gilbert, for being so excellent and for marrying Paul Wesley. Congratulations, Nina." We release from the hug and I go over to Paul who is talking and smiling with Ian. "Hello beautiful." Paul says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. "Hello handsome." "Do you like your ring?" He asks smirking because he knows I love it. "I love it!" "I knew I picked out the perfect one, for the perfect girl." Paul says kissing my cheek. "Congrats you two, you really are the perfect couple. I've gotta go, but please call Nikki and tell her, she'll kill me if she hears it from me and not you, Nina." "Will do Smoldypants." Ian lets out a big chuckle as he walks over to look at the tape. "I'm going to go talk to Julie, ask her if she can use the footage for the episode and we can shoot the actually script later this week. Is that okay with you?" "Of course! I'm going to go to my trailer and pack my stuff up. Meet me there in 10?" 'It's a done deal, soon to be Mrs. Wesley!" Paul says awkwardly skipping off to talk to Julie. I walk back over to my trailer and I can't stop smiling as I look at my ring and watch how it catches the light. I decide to look in my mini fridge and see if there is any food to eat. I look in the fridge but then quickly notice a bag of chocolate chips. I grab the bag from on top of the fridge and sit on the couch, grab my phone go on Pinterest and dig into the bag.

Candice's POV

I run over and grab Kat by the hand and run with her all the way to my trailer. "Candice what are doing here?" Kat asks me out of breath. "Um Nina is getting married and we need to plan an engagement shower for her. So grab my computer from over there and I'll grab some food. Popcorn good?" "Haha okay." I go over and put the popcorn in the mircowave. I see Kat walk over and sit on the couch opening up my computer. Once the popcorn finishes I put it in a bowl and join Kat on the couch. "So, what's first up on the list?" She asks ready to type in ideas to look up. "Okay well first, let's find a venue to hold the party. Somewhere here and not to much of a drive, and that has a vintage glamour." "Hmm okay." I watch as Kat's quick hands type in everything I said. "Okay lets look..." Kat begins to scroll through websites and pictures of different venues. "What about this one, the apple shack?" Kat asks looking at me. "Seriously? The apple shack? Um no this is the only time Nina is getting married, so the only time she will be able to have an engagement party and its not going to be at the apple shack." "Hahah okay. Let's keep looking." We kept looking for about am hour until we came across the perfect place. "This place is perfect!" "The Brickwall Hotel and Spa?" Kat asks. "Yes! It's perfect! So find the number, call them and tell them we'll be there to check it out in 30 minutes." I say demanding handing Kat her phone.

Paul's POV

After talking to Julie, I walk over to Nina's trailer to talk to my beautiful wife to be. I open her door and see her sitting on her couch making her way through a bag of chocolate chips. I quietly walk over and begin to kiss her neck up to her cheeks. "Hey baby." She says turning her head to face mine. I press my lips on her's before responding. "Hey beautiful. What are you doing?" I ask wrapping my arms around her. "Looking at stuff for our wedding. Getting an idea of what we could do." She repsonds kissing my hand. "How nice, already planning our wedding." "Oh don't think you're getting out of it that easily. Your helping too, staring with a date. So Mr. Wesley on what day, should we spend the rest of our lives together?" "Easy, the first day we met. August 15, 2009.

A/N Hey guyss! Really sorry for not updating in such a long time but, with the school year beginning and getting deeper in the year, I'm really busy and I apologize for that. I do my best to update as soon as I can, it is difficult to keep updating on a regular schedule but, I will continue to write this story, there just might be more time in between updates. So please understanding. Thank you all so much for reading. Love you!



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