Chapter 13: Interviews, interviews, interviews

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Chapter 13: Interviews, interviews, interviews

Paul's POV

I walk into the living room while Nina goes back into the bedroom to call Julie about setting up some interviews. I search through my contact list and press Phoebe's number. The phone rings four times before she answers. "Hello?" "Phoebe! Hey!" "Oh, hey Paul." "Look about the message you sent to me. You were a hundred percent right and I've thought about it and its you Phoebe. I want to be with you. I would love you give you many reasons for you to explain why you should forgive me so I'll only give you one. Look Nina is my best friend and I like you a lot and I want to keep seeing you. Nina and I just wanted to hangout in New York, that little waitress was a liar we are not dating we just wanted to see the city and my grandpa has a ranch just outside the city so we wanted to check out the country style. She's just my best friend. So please forgive me?" "Well that was sweet Paul really. But why during that interview did you kiss Nina for a long time. And now let me tell you that it looked like you were really enjoying it. So good ahead Paul explain that." "Okay fair enough Julie was telling us about that interview how much of a big deal it was and if we didn't do exactly what they told us so, our careers could basically go down the toilet. So yeah we kissed and yeah it might have been for a while but we had to do that so we could get good publicity and it's not like we haven't kissed before." "When are you flying home?" "Tonight." "Good, pick me up at eight." "Really?" "Yes Paul." "Okay! Buy Phoebe." "But Paul." I hang up the phone glad the phone call went well and that she believed what I said. I do like Phoebe a lot, but I love Nina and as long as I can push that feeling for as long as I can to the back of my mind until it disappears which it has to. "Hey Paul. The plane is gonna be here in about 30 minutes. Oh and we have to do an interview together proving that we're not a couple." I hear Nina say coming in from the bedroom. "And how are we going to do that. There are thousands of people who won't believe that." "I know which is why Julie will be picking up Phoebe to prove you guys are dating and I will be dating Scott Eastwood." "Wait when did you start dating Scott?" "Oh no, we're not a couple just really close friends so he said he would help. He understands the whole need to save reputation thing so he'll be on the plane as well. Pack your bags bff this is just the beginning to get everyone off of our back." "Alright I'm gonna go pack." I run up to the bedrooms and pack my bag very quickly. I see that Nina left her's up here too. I drag both of our suitcases down the stairs. "Hey perfect timing the plane just landed. You ready?" "Uh yeah. Lets go." I open the front door and see the plane right in the front lawn. We get into the plane and we're greeted by Julie. "Hey Paul." Phoebe stands up and greets me. "Hey." I bend down and kiss her cheek. Together we go and sit down. It felt good to be with someone normal.

Nina's POV

I get into the plane and I'm greeted by Scott! "Hey its good to see you!" He says wrapping me in a hug. "I know! I haven't seen you in so long! Thanks for agreeing to this!" "Anything for you!" "So come on let's go figure out our story." I say laughing as we go and sit down. Two hours later Julie tells us that we have arrived back in Atlanta. "Ok remember stick to the truth!" Julie tells us before we leave the plane. All four of us enter the interview and meet the interviewer. "Ok so remember just stick to the truth, that's what we want." The interviewer named Michelle tells us. We all walk on stage and wait to be called on stage. "Here with me today I have the two major celebrities that we all have been buzzing about their romance. Today we find out the truth now they have brought some special guest. Paul, Nina please come on out with your special guest. First it was Paul and Phoebe, then once they got seated Scott and I entered the stage. "So there are rumors that Paul and Nina are in fact dating but we are all here to find out the truth. So Paul and Nina tell us the truth. Tell us about your real lives. "Well I do love Paul very very much he is one of the many blessings I have collected over the years. But we are not a couple, I love him very much as I always will but we both have found romantic love in other people." "Paul anything you would like to add to that?" "Uh yes I agree to Nina as I do love you very much but we have found love in other people and I don't think we could be happier and we are extremely happy for each other. And who knows maybe some day in the distant future we might find our way to each other but, the rumors are false and I have loved being in a normal relationship with someone who trusts me." "Well please introduce us to the second person in both of yours relationship." "So Paul do you want to go first?" "Yeah sure. So this is my lovely girlfriend, Phoebe Tonkins who guest starred on TVD as Hayley and that's how we met. We really hit it off on the first date and its been great since then." "Phoebe would you like to add?" "Yeah totally. Since being originally from Australia Paul has really made me feel at home and really just welcoming. Besides the fact that he is extremely hot and sexy he is the most sweetest person that I have ever met, so I am extremely grateful to be dating such an amazing man. Paul leans down to Phoebe's cheek and plants a gentle kiss. "So Nina! We are dying to know more about the serious arm candy you have on your arm!" "Haha well Scott and I were always really close and just about three months ago we decided to go on our first date together and the sparks just continually flew. It's been great since then. "Um we decided to keep things very down low because we didn't want all of the drama but, here we are and I couldn't be happier to announce that Nina and I are dating!" "How sweet both of you! Well we look forward to seeing more pictures of both couples and hearing more news! Congrats to both of you." "Thank you for having us." We all say at once before exiting the stage. "Great job! All of you!" Michelle tells us. We all give her hugs before leaving the studio. "Good jobs guys. That will really help with the many other interviews yet to come. Make sure the paparazzi gets plenty of photos of all of you getting close and cuddly, kisses never hurt either. So rest up get and get a lot of photos your next interview is in 48 hours, Good luck. Instagram is always great too!" Julie yells as she walks off. "So see everyone in 48 hours." Phoebe says as her and Paul hope into a cab. "So uh since I don't live in Atlanta and don't have a place to stay so..." "Yes, Scott you can stay in my place with me." "Thanks Nina." Scott says kissing my cheek. "Come on my apartment isn't far from here. And remember, hold my hand my apartment is crawling with paparazzi." "Does that give me permission to kiss you?" "Yes Scott, since we are a 'couple'." We laugh on the way to my apartment and he gives me a peck while we hear photos being taken. Once we enter my apartment I show him to the guest bedroom. Scott is a great friend and I'm excited to get to spend a lot of time with him. Mostly I can't wait for this drama goes away and I can't wait to get back to shooting for TVD and for my life to return to normal.


Hey guysss! Sorry for not updating in a really long time. My computer was broken but now its fixed! So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and are excited for more to come! Please leave comments and votes I love hearing from you guys! Thank you all so much for all of your love and support!



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