Chapter 4: Perfect dress

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Hey guys! So before I start chapter 4 I'm gonna do a quick authors note! Y'all are absolutely perfection! The comments you leave me are so sweet and make my day a thousand times better. I just want to make sure you guys know how much I appreciate y'all. Y'all are perfect glorious fabulous people and I'm so grateful. I'm so fortunate to have you all read my book and enjoy it. It means so much to me! So basically I just love y'all so very much and its getting late and I'm very tired! hehehehe bye! Love you guys!



Chapter 4:Perfect dress

NIna's POV

Kat and Candice dragged me into Nordstrom and started throwing clothes at me. I was being flooded by different brands and colors. "Uh hey guys?" I try to say but, my voice was being muffled by all of the fabric. "Hm? Oh yeah Nina?" Candice says removing some of the dress that are in front of my mouth. "I appreciate you guys trying to help me pick out a dress but since I'll be wearing it, can I look?" I ask them. "Oh my God! Duh!" Kat says to me. "GREAT!" I say in a chipper tone. I dump all of the dresses on the floor and giggle while Kat and Candice pick up the dresses. I was flipping through racks and racks of dresses. Nothing was right. I was just about ready to leave when I see it. I quickly run over to it. A light blue dress with black lace detailing around the top. I grab it in the size and run the dress over to Kat and Candice. "So what do you think?" I ask holding the dress up to my body. "HOT!" Candice says with her eyes about to pop out of her head. "GO TRY IT ON NOW!" Kat says pushing me into a dressing room. They both quickly shut the door of the dressing room so I could try it on. I strip out of my clothes and and slip on the tight blue dress. It took my breath away. It hugged my fit body perfectly. Showing off all of my curves, it was totally the dress. I open the dressing room door and Kat and Candice look up from their phones. They both gasp. "So yes or no?" I question with a smirk. "ARE YOU JOKING ME!" Kat says about to scream at me. Candice doesn't say anything just does a light push which makes me stumble a little bit. "Heheh. I'll go change back and then we can go find shoes." I say with a smile still on my face. "Kk." They both say at the same time. I get back into my clothes, I hang the dress back up and re-join Kat and Candice. "Ready?" I ask seeing that they both have an arm full of beautiful clothes. "YUP!" They both say grinning. We walk over to the cash register and pay for all of our things. Moments like this where I'm happy I'm famous cause I can buy a ton of clothes. While I thought this I started a quiet giggle. "Whats so funny?" Candice asks with her eyebrows arched. "Just think that it moments like this that I'm happy that we're famous cause we can buy all of these clothes." I say giggled a little louder. Kat and Candice join in giggling with me. Once we finish purchasing we make our way down to the shoe section. We all look around and we may have gone a little shoe crazy. Kat got the most of all of us. She got six pairs, Candice got four and I got three. The shoes that I got where a simple tall black pumps, but they are Christian Laboutain. Which means that they have a red soul and they are SUPER comfortable and considering Paul and I will be dancing all night I need some comfy shoes. Once we grab all of our shoes in the right size, we decide to head out of the mall. "So I'm hungry." Candice says. "Me too!" Kat says as we can all hear her stomach growling. "So pizza and movies at my place!" I say laughing at Kat's growling stomach. "YES!" They both say as they roll down the windows. The weather hear in Georgia is gorgeous. So we roll down the windows and start to sing whatever is on the radio. Well it was supposed to be singing but it turns out to be screaming. We arrived at my apartment soon and I just happened to already have three frozen pizzas in the freezer. I threw two pizzas in the oven, one cheese and one pepperoni. "NINA I KNOW YOUR REALLY INTO TO ALL THAT HEALTHY CRAP BUT DO YOU HAVE ANY JUNK FOOD?"Candice yells to me going through my whole kitchen. "Hahahah no sorry Candice. You and Kat can go and grab some." I say laughing while closing all of my cabinets. "KAT WILL YOU AND CANDICE GO GRAB SOME JUNK FOOD?" I yell to Kat who was getting blankets and pillows from my room. "WE GET TO BRING JUNK FOOD INTO NINA DOBREV'S HOME! WE'LL BE BACK IN AN HOUR!" Kay says running down the stairs so fast I thought she was going to fall. "HAHAHAHA ok. I'll see you guys back in an hour." I say laughing. Kat grabs her car keys and her and Candice leave my apartment. I start to gather blankets and set up s comfortable areas for the movies. I then hear my phone start to buzz. "Hello?" I ask because I forgot to look at the caller id. "Hey babe!" Ian says. "Oh hey babe!" I say back to him. "So we haven't really been on a date in a while." Ian tells me. "Yeah I know.." I say sounding confused. "So what are you doing tomorrow night?" Ian asks me. "Oh uh actually I'm going out with Paul. He is really stressed out about the wedding and stuff and ya know its what best friends are for." I say explaining myself. "Hey hey Nina calm down its ok. I know you and Paul need some time together." Ian says trying to comfort me through the phone. "Um how about Saturday?" Ian asks trying again. "Uh yeah Saturday works." I say checking my schedule. "Perfect. I love you Nina." Ian says making a kissy noise through the phone. "Hmh love ya." I say sounding a little uncomfortable. I hang up my phone and go back to making beds. Then my phone buzzes again.

From-Paul<3:Hey just wanted to say thanks for everything and I'm super excited.--Paul.

To-Paul<3:Aww thanks! Your a great person and thank you for being my best friend! See ya tomorrow!xoxo--Nina.

A huge smile spread across my face and it won't go away. All I can do is hope that my date with Ian on Saturday will re-kindle some spark that I used to have. Wait what if the spark was never real? What if I just did it to try to get over Paul. Clearly it hasn't been working so well, but we have been dating for two years. I finish making the beds and I find a movie called The Best of Me. Candice and Kat soon arrive back to my apartment with as much junk food as you can imagine. ---0------o-----0---o------0-----o------0----o----------0---------------o----------------0---------o-------------0--------o-----------0--------o----------0----------o-----0-----0----------o--------0-----------o----------0-------------o-----------0------------o---------0------o---------0---------o-----------o----------0-------------o-------------0-------------0-----------o--------0--------o-----------0-----------o----------0---------------o------------0----------o-----------0---------o---------0------o--------0-

The next day

I woke up the next day while Kat rolled over which threw me off the bed. "OW!" I groan on the floor. "Oh sorry." Kat groans back. I hear a ringing and pray that the phone isn't mine. "Who's phone is that?" I groan my face still against the hard wood floor. "Oh sorry it mine." Kat says looking at her phone. "Oh my gosh! I have to go! They want me at my new music video in 15! Sorry girls see ya on set on Monday. " Kat says scurrying out of the bed and grabbing her bag and running out the door. I hear another phone go off. "CAAANNNNNDDDDDDDIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I whine. "Sorry its Jospeh, he wants to go out to brunch. Is that ok Nina?" Candice asks in a chipper mood. "Hmh." Is all I could get out cause I was so tired. "Thanks girl see ya Monday! Have fun with Paul!" And with that Candice was gone. I crawled back in my bed and set my alarm for 11 am.

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