Chapter 12: Tabloids

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Chapter 12: Tabloids

Paul's POV

I woke up suddenly,curious to know the time, since it was still fairly dark. I slowly take my phone out of my pocket, trying not to move Elena. My eyes become fairly blinded for a few seconds before I could make out the numbers on my phone. 2:35am, but just below is a message from my publisher. "HAVE YOU SEEN THE TABLOIDS YET!! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO MR!!! CALL ME TOMORROW MORNING, OR ELSE YOU AND YOUR CAREER ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE!!!!" I pick Nina bridal style and carry her up into the spare bedroom, in my grandfather's ranch. "Paul?Please stay with me." Nina says her small hand slowly drifting off of my big one. "Of course Nina." I crawl into bed beside her as she curls her head into the space between my neck and head. I kiss her head softly, as she lets out a heavy breath and I feel her drift off to sleep. I grab my iphone, dim the light as low as possible and google my name. I click on the first article that pops up. "The stars of the hit tv show Vampire Diaries, Ian Somerhalder(Damon Salvatore), Nina Dobrev (Elena Gilbert), Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore) recently traveled to New York for an interview that ended up ending with a heated game of truth or dare. After multiple questions being asked, and finding out Somerhalder, might have moved on from Dobrev with a special someone. Then we moved on to a game of truth or dare, from seeing Somerhalder twerk, and some bromance, we then saw what looked like a heated kiss between Dobrev and Wesley. After the interview, it was reported that Dobrev and Wesley stayed in New York to see the sights. The next day they went to a small diner, where some of our best paparazzi caught some very cuddly pictures of the two. After they had left, we met up with the server, who indeed confirmed our thoughts! "Yes, I asked them shyly and indeed the two are dating!" The peppy waitress tells us. Yes, to all of you Dobsley and Stelena shippers! The two are dating! We are eagerly awaiting the confirmation from the two! More to come on Ian and his mysterious someone!" Great! Sure I do love Nina and I want to be with her, but I also want to be with Phoebe, I mean, she does deserve a chance right? But this article means more harsh interviews for Nina and I to clear up this whole mess, and that bratty little waitress. I push it to the back of my mind, wrap my arms around Nina and drift off to sleep.

Phoebe's POV

As I walk around the city on a warm Atlanta night, I run into a magazine cart, curious to see if they have anything on TVD. As I skim through the magazines, one really stock out to me. "NINA DOBREV AND PAUL WESLEY ARE DATING!" I grab the magazine furious and slam it down on the counter. The man was half asleep and didn't seem to care that much, I pay him the money due and grab the magazine. I walk quickly back to my apartment, while reading the article inside. I shove my key into the key hole and open my apartment, slam the magazine on my couch and call Paul. He must still be sleeping, so I leave him a voice mail. "Hey Paul! You wouldn't believe the article I just read! Wow! You know I really thought you were better than this! I mean I know we're not really a couple or anything but come on!!! DO NOT LEAD ME ON LIKE THAT! I thought we had something and then obviously you don't care!! Instead you go and become a couple with your best friend Paul!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE NICE ONE! THE ONE THAT ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT PEOPLE! OR DO YOU JUST CARE ABOUT NINA!" I scream into my phone through it across the wall, crawl onto my couch and cry.

Nina's POV

I wake up alone in bed but to the smell of pancakes. I roll over and grab my phone.


Confused by her message I quickly reply back.

Nina:What are you talking about Candice!?!?

Candice being Candice replys back as soon as I sent the message.

Candice: Um! The article about you and Paul becoming a couple of course!!!

I quickly search Paul and I's names and click the first article that pops up. I read it very quickly and then respond to Candice's text.

Nina: Candice you know thats not true! I would of course tell you and Kat first you know that! I've got to go. xoxo

Candice: K bye! xoxo

I hop down the stairs and make my way to the kitchen where I see Paul flipping pancakes. "Hey Paul." "Hey Nina. How'd you sleep?" "Well, you?" "A little stressed, but well." "You saw the article didn't you?" "Uh yeah. Phoebe called." "Oh no." "Yeah." "You should call her back." "I don't know Neens, she seemed pretty mad." "Well, do you like her?" "I think I do, I feel like I should give her a chance." "Well you can't give her a chance if you don't call her back." "Your right, I'll call her once we finish breakfast." "Ok. What can I do to help?" "Just sit down and relax." Paul and I have a nice breakfast together. "Hey, so I'm gonna go call Phoebe." "Ok." "Nina are you sure your ok?" "Paul I'm fine, I need to straighten this up just as much as you do. I can't be seen as the slut, who once her best friend goes out with someone she 'hooks up' with them. I'm gonna go call Julie, see if she can get an interview for me." "Ok, were still best friends though, right?" "Of course we are Paul!" I bring him into a hug and Paul kisses the top of my head. I could of just collapsed in his arms, his sweet kisses and his strong arms. "I should uh go call Julie. We should probably leave this afternoon." I say slowly releasing from the hug. "Yeah, ok." Paul says as he walks away into another room.

A/N Hey guysssss!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Sorry if it was kinda boring, trying to set up for some more drama!! Thank you guys so much for reading!!! I love you guys so so so so much!!! Please comment it really does make my day!!!!

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