Chapter 1: Season 1

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Chapter 1 

Season 1

Nina's POV

We've been filming season 1 of The Vampire Diaries for two weeks now. Stefan Salvatore is played by Paul Wesley, Damon Salvatore is played by Ian Somerhalder, Caroline is played by Candice Accola, and Bonnie is played by Kat Grahm. Everyone is super nice and very welcoming. Ian and Paul hit it off from day one. Candice and Kat are so nice and we hangout all the time, everyone started calling us the three musketeers. I walk around the set admiring everything. I did something well if it got me here. At the moment people are working hard to get the show's name out there, but I've read the script this show will be a hit! I feel my phone start to buzz in my back pocket. "Hey Nina!" My mom said through the phone. "Hey mom, hows Bulgaria?" I ask, smiling to hear my moms voice. "Good, not the same without you. Your dad is still adjusting. I giggle my dad has always been over protective. "Now lets get to the point" My mom says in a serious tone. "Which is?" I question sounding more concerned. "BOYS!" My mom screamed through the phone. I laugh in responds to her excitement. "Well there is this one." I say softly. "Tell me more!" Mom says not calming down. "Hold on. I don't want anyone to hear." I say starting to run so I could get to my dressing room faster. "HEY NEENS!" Paul shouts to me. I turn my head to him but, don't stop running. "Hey Pau-" I start but I fall right on my side. "OW!" I say holding my elbow. I pick up the phone from the floor. "Hey mom, I'll call you back." I say "Paul huh?" She asks. "Bye." I say smiling. I look over my shoulder and see Paul jogging towards me. "Hey Neen, you ok?" He asks holding out his hand. "Well I think I'm ok, beside my elbow." I say taking his hand. Thats when I felt it. The lightning bolt of electricity flow down my spin. "Come on, I'll get you a band aid." he says as I walk with him. "So tell me about yourself Dobrev. I don't know that much." Paul says. "Wow! You didn't Google me! I'm a bit hurt." I say putting my hand over my heart. Paul lets out a smile and a chuckle, I bite my lip. "Well I'm from Bulgaria, thats where my family is now, actually. Oh and my native name is Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, have fun saying that. I have an older brother named, Aleksandar and I speak fluent English, duhh and Bulgarian." I say smiling. "Wo, I'm not as cool as you are." Paul says smiling down at me. "Well I'm waiting, I told you about me, return the favor." I say poking him. "Fine, well my real last name is Wasilewski, I'm from New Brunswick, New Jersey. I am an actor, producer, and dirctor. I have one older sister Monika and two younger ones, Julia and Leah." Paul says as we finally reach where the first aid kits are. "So, we don't have to be on set for about 2 hours. How about I bandage you up and we go out for coffee?" He asks me pulling out a bandaid. "I'd love to." I said blushing.

4 weeks later

I hug Candice good-bye as she leaves my trailer. So that's it, that's what I'm gonna do. I think to myself. I walk out of my trailer and start to head over to get my make up ready. I bump into a tall perosn. "Sor-." I start but I look up and see its Paul. "Oh hey Paul!" I say with a smile. "Hey Neens." He says returning the smile. "Hey can I ask you a question?" I ask taking a deep breath. "Of course." He says. We walk over to where there's a bench set up. "Look I have loved getting to know you these past few weeks and I was uh wandering if you would like to uh maybe go out with me?" I ask looking down at my feet. "Nina, I'm very sorry but, I think its better for now if we just stay friends." Paul tells me holding my hand. "Right of course. I'm sorry." I say. "Don't be sorry." Paul says standing up, still holidng my hand. Before he walks away, he takes my hand and kisses it. I close my eyes and walk over to get my makeup done. When I walk in I see Candice. I slam the door behind me. "Guessing it didn't go to well." Candice says biting her lip. "NO! NO IT DID NOT!" I say sitting down. "What happened." Candice asks trying to help. "He basically friend-zoned me! He said and I quote, Nina, I'm very sorry but, I think its better for now if we just stay friends."I say in a mocking tone. Candice tries to hold back laughter. "Nina, you are absolutely stunning and one of the best people I have ever met! Paul well come crawling back to you." She says assuring me. "Your right, thank you Candice." I say as I close my eyes and I feel the cold foundation hit my skin. 

Three years later

I was flipping through my diary re-reading from when I asked Paul out and he said no. I giggle to myself as the year was already 2011. I've been on the show for three years and its doing great, just as I knew it would. "Hey babe." Ian says kissing my cheeks. "Hey." I say smiling. Oh yeah and Ian is my boyfriend. I'm so happy! I have such a great life, Paul's my best friend, Ian is my boyfriend, Candice and Kat and I are closer than ever. Life is just perfect, I couldn't be happier. "Come on, lets get to set." Ian says taking my hand. I look around and see Paul running to set. We didn't say hi considering he looked pretty busy. What if Paul actually said yes to taking me out, what if I was holding Paul's hand right now, instead of Ian's? Do I still have feeling for Paul, yes. But I also do for Ian. By the time I finish my thoughts we already arrive at the set, where there is a crowd of people. Ian and I move through the crowd and make it to the front. I see Paul in the middle of the crowd with Torrey. "EVERYBODY WE HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Paul says shouting. Him and Torrey look at each other. "WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!" They shout to together lifting up their interwinded hands. I hold back my tears as I feel a lump forming in my throat. All of the girls run over to Torrey to look at her ring. I could care less, but I run over with the rest of the girls so it doesn't look weird. "Oh my gosh Torrey! Your ring is absolutely wonderful! Congratulations!" I say as we hug. "I'm gonna go get dressed." I say to Candice as I run over to my dressing room. Once I finally get to my dressing room I softly close the door and cry. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my first Dobsley story! I have a lot in store for this story! I will also be continuing my Stelena one, I was just really excited to start this one. I really hope y'all will enjoy this story! Don't be afraid to comment! I'd love to respond!!



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