Chapter Eight: Missing

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"Hey....are you alright?" Logan asked. "You seem down lately.....did something happen?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine," I mumbled.

"You are not fine!" Megan snapped. "You've been's's like you don't trust us anymore...."

"I'm sorry's many things been happening."

"Like what? You can tell us, Emery. We're your friends." Tina smiled.

I returned her smile. "It's Regina....she's pregnant and I....well I'm just not ready for a half sibling yet."

"Awh! That's it?" Megan hugged me. "You got us all worried for nothing."

"I'm sorry guys,"

That wasn't the only thing on my mind. It's Jared. I haven't seen him for a day now. Yesterday I waited at the same place but like he said....he's not coming anymore.

Now everytime I see William, I can't help but think about Jared. I wanted to fix things but he's never coming back anymore.

Mr. Simons walked in and began talking about our next assignments. Midterms was getting closer and I already know that I was going to fail the pre-calc test.

I was leaning against my hand while twirling my pencil on my other hand. Something that had become a habit when I was bored when the speaker suddenly turned on.

"Emery! Come to the front office immediately!" The announcer shouted through the speakers, nearly making all of us deaf.

My friends gave me weird look but I shrugged, not knowing what it was either. Tyler. I'm finally seeing Tyler.

I stack my notebooks and made my way to the front office only to come face to face with Regina and my dad.

"Dad? What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Emery!" He stood up from his chair and looked at me with frantic eyes. "It's Jessica.....she's missing."

"What? How is that possible?" I asked. "I just saw her this morning."

He handed me a piece of paper and I opened it, reading its contents. "So did we....but we found this note outside the house."

'We have your daughter.....if you want her back. Tell your other precious daughter to bring me the masked man by tonight to the same place they always meet up.'

William's POV:

"So yesterday I confessed to him!" The blonde woman exclaimed.

"What? You confessed to your boss?" Her friend laughed.

"Yes! He said he didn't know what to say so I asked him on a date."

"A date?! Lucky!"

I snorted and both their heads snapped up at me. I had my hoodie on so they were unable to see the smirk on my face.

"What are you laughing at, kid?" The blondie glared at me.

"I'm laughing at you...." I answered in monotone. "Old women these days are helpless. Unable to get money so they seduce their boss."

She gasped and stood up, making her way around the bench towards me. Good. Just like I had predicted. "Excuse me?! I have no idea who you are but you better apolo-" I didn't give her a chance to continue as I snatched her purse and pulled down my mask, making a run towards the alley.

"Thief! Come back here! Give me my bag! Somebody help me!"

"Thanks," I whispered as I jumped over the fence. When I made it at the end of the alley fence leading to the woods, I searched her bag. When my hands settled on the pink purse, I smiled in relief. I opened it counted the cash. "Who carries $600 with them?" But then again, it was also good. That way I don't have to steal from a lot of people.

I threw the bag to the side and stuffed the money inside my pocket before making my way to the stairs along the building.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I turned my head to the side and saw an officer on the other side of the first fence.

"Hand over the money!" He pulled out his gun and I narrowed my eyes at the stairs. It would be too easy for him to shoot me if I ran up the stairs. And he probably had both buildings surrounded by his fellows.

I slowly backed up and when the officer took a small step forward, I jumped up and threw my body over the fence leading to the woods.

I could hear the officer cursing and climbing the fence. I ran through the trees and debated whether or not if I should call Jared.

Someone suddenly tackled me to the ground and knocked the wind pipes out of me. He snaked his arm around my neck into a neck lock.

I rolled over and brought both our bodies down the small hill. I cursed as I felt rocks scraping against the bruises on my legs.

I should've never let him beat me to this point!

The officer landed a couple feet away from me, groaning in pain. I took that chance to stand up and winced at the pain radiating from my legs.

I gave one last look at the officer before running off into the woods. I could hear him shooting his gun randomly towards my direction but I kept running as fast as I could. It was getting darker.

I can feel it. My heart racing inside my chest. I know it's true. If I'm caught.....then it's all over. For the both of us. Me and her. It'll be over.

My legs were burning beneath me. From every aching muscles and every ugly bruises. I kept running although it's clear that I'm running out of breath.

Her face started forming in my mind and I grunted as another bullet shot passed me, nearly hitting my head.

Whoever was shooting was a good aimer.

I came to a sharp halt as my eyes widen at the waterfall before me. I was trapped.

"No where else to run to, mugger." The officer spat. "Now hand over the money while I'm being nice."

I slowly turned around and looked for an escape route. Either I jumped through these trees or I fall to the water.

"Hello officer...." I squinted through the fog at his name tag. "...Riley. You do know it's against the law to shoot someone without a weapon, right?" I smiled, although he probably wouldn't see it considering I'm wearing a black mask right now.

"As long as you're not dead," He smirked, pointing his gun at me.

"Let me tell you somethin'." I muttered, looking to my right. I have to distract him while thinking of an escape route. "Remember that night?....When your wife left you?"

He gritted his teeth and glared at me. "How do you know about that?"

I actually didn't. I only heard Max talking about it while warning us about the officers that roamed the city.

I shrugged. "It's really a pity....when she came to my door that night....asking me to take her." I smirked. "It's sad that her husband of six years couldn't even please her."

He was shaking, I could tell. He had his eyes squeezed tightly together and I took that chance to kick his gun out of his hands.

He cursed as I turned around and ran towards my right, dodging the trees.

"What if she dies?"

Jared's voice rang in my head again. Please wait for me. You have to wait. I'm coming for you.

Suddenly the sound of a gunshot echoed through the air and I gasped as it pierced right into my back.

The last thing on my mind as I fell off the cliff into the deep water was her.


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