Chapter Five: Pink Slip

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"What's wrong with you? You're so out of it these days."

I stopped stretching and looked up at Megan who had her arms crossed against her chest.

"It's Tuesday, give me a break." I muttered.

"But you're always excited for gym! What's wrong with you?"

"Can't I be tired once in a while?" I asked.

"Whatever, anyways that William guy is totally checking Jessica out."

I turned my head to the side and there he was. Checking Jessica as she bent down to stretch her legs.

I scrunched my nose in disgust. "That's gross,"

"Tell me about it," Megan laughed. "Anyways are you going to the party on Friday night? It's after the football game."

I shook my head. "I have something else to do."

"What's wrong with you? Ever since that incident on Friday...." she hesitated. "You stopped hanging out with us...."

I sighed and stood up, facing her. "Alright.....I'm sorry for being a little bit distant from you guys. How about we all go to that party and eat out on Saturday?"

She squealed and jumped into my arms. "Okay...."

After gym class, I took a quick shower before running out to the cafeteria. I grabbed a maroon tray and began filling it up with food. Pizza, mac and cheese, broccoli (although I hate it), peaches, and fanta.

Yeah, our school has lameass lunch. As I was making my way to my original table, I bumped into a plastic doll.

"Whoops, my bad." I murmured as I sat my tray down beside Logan and Tina.

"Excuse me, bitch. Did you just bump into me?" Taylor pulled my arm back.

"Who me?" I raised my brows. "No...I believe I bumped into a plastic doll."

The cafeteria erupted into laughter and Taylor turned as red as the pepperoni on my pizza.

"Yeah, stop acting like you're not fake too. You're just like a barbie. Fake and plastic."

I rolled my eyes. "Pleease!" I laughed. "I'm far from plastic, the only make up I ever put on is chapstick."

A continuous chant of 'oohhh!' came from the crowd and I smirked as she turned around and left along with her fake barbies.

"That was savage!" Megan exclaimed as she set her tray on the table. "I wished I could've seen the whole thing."

"Don't worry, Ryan recorded the whole thing." Logan pointed towards the jock table and there he was. With his phone in hand and laughing with his friends.

"Hello guys," Jessica mumbled. "Can I sit here?"

"Of course," Tina moved her bag from the seat and Jessica smiled thankfully before sitting down.

"Hey Jess," Logan smiled and she returned it with another smile.

"Hi to you too,"

We all looked up and saw William with his tray before he sat beside Jessica.

"Saw what you did there, Emery. Nice going."

I felt my cheeks warmed and I coughed to cover it up. "Thanks,"

Logan gave me a weird look before turning to his pizza. "Want it?"

I nodded. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I happily took the pizza out of his hand and stuffed it in my mouth.

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