Chapter Two: Accident

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A soft knock came to my door and I groaned, rolling onto my back.

"Who is it?"

"It's me," Jessica's voice mumbled through the door. "Your father asked me to come get you.....breakfast is almost ready."

"Okay," I replied, rolling out of bed. I went into the bathroom connected to my room and jumped into the shower. After I was done scrubbing and putting shampoo on my head, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

I brushed my teeth and went into my walk in closet. I set the towel aside, pulling out a pair of red crop top and black, wavy skirt.

I decided on black eyeliner and red lipstick today and letting my hair loose naturally. After I was done, I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

Everyone was already seated and waiting for me. I couldn't miss the dirty glare my stepmother Regina shot me and the way my dad looked me up and down in disgust.

"Emery, what are you wearing?" My dad asked.

"Clothes," I stated the obvious, taking a seat beside my stepsister Jessica.

"Good morning, Emery." Jessica mumbled.

"Morning," I replied, grabbing some pancakes and pouring syrup on it. Then I took a huge bite out of it.

My dad sighed and picked up his fork. "Let's eat,"

After I was done, I drunk my juice and stood up. "I'll see you guys tonight,"

"Where are you going?" My dad asked.

"I'm going out with my friends....not that you care." I muttered the last part under my breath.

"Why? We were planning to all go to the fair together."

"Dad, I'm not ten anymore. Besides I already told my friends I was gonna meet them at the mall today."

"But-" he started.

"Then how about you take Jessica with you? I'm sure you wouldn't mind, right?" Regina asked.

I glanced towards Jessica and pointed my thumb towards the door. "Wanna tag?"

"Uhm...." she looked from me to her mother and nodded. "Sure...."

She stood up as I grabbed my keys from the key holder and walked outside to my white bmw m4 convertible.

"Pick a place and I'll drop you off," I said as we both got into the car.


"I know you probably didn't want to come with me so-"

"I don't mind," she interrupted.

"I guess," I shrugged, backing out of the driveway. When we got to the mall, I could make out the three figures by the door.

"Emery! Over here!" Megan shouted. "Ooh look who decided to tag along," she looked at Jessica.

"She was forced," I stated.

"Well anyways, I heard that at Victoria Secret was buy one get one 50% off. So let's go before all the good stuff is done."


After shopping for several hours, we decided to eat out. Jessica was silent the whole time. I offered to buy her something but she refused.

Later that night we decided to hang out at my house. We were sitting in the living room on the second floor. My dad took Regina out for dinner so we were basically home alone.

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