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Five Months Later


I did the same thing everyday, wake up, go to school and come to the hospital.

I had visited Eun-Ha everyday since the accident, I found out that after surgery she was just under anaesthetic but the hospital decided to put her into an induced coma so that they would be able to run more tests, they hadn't expected to keep her in it for so long.


I walked in through reception and gave a slight nod to the receptionist, she was usually on the front desk and saw a lot of me over the last 5 months, she nodded back and smiled at me as I passed her by, as I stood in the elevator, alone, I heard a song playing over the speakers just what I need, broken heart by monsta X as if I couldn't feel any worse.

As I reached her room I peeked in through the window on the door, I could see Jimin and San-Ha in there already, they were sat talking and they hadn't even realised that I was stood outside.

I opened the door and entered, taking a seat on the other side of the bed and finally looking towards the two.

"Ah hyung, how are you?" Jimin asked me as he stroked the back of San-ha's hand, it reminded me of when Eun-ha first came in.

"Jimin, you saw me like 2 hours ago, my mood doesn't change that quickly." I said and clicked my tongue, San-ha whispered something to Jimin and then left the room.

"I'm sorry, but there's been good news!" Excitement was running through his voice.

"Which would be?" I asked with a bit of an annoyed tone.

"They're seeing if she can wake up," I looked at him. "Today!" Jimin wasn't good for much but when it came to lightening the mood after Taehyung, Jimin was surely the best.

"You better not be joking or I will rip your throat out." I said trying to hide my excitement in case he was joking.

"Why would I joke about this, that's where San-ha went, she went to get the doctor so that they could wake her up, she thought you'd want to be here for it."

I couldn't contain my happiness, I stood up and walked over to Jimin, enveloping him into a big hug. Aside from Seokjin, Jimin was the one I was closest too so it wasn't so bad that I was showing a slight bit of affection in front of him.

He hugged me back and patted my back, as we slowly released from the hug he looked over to Eun-Ha.

"You better be glad to wake up, he's been a pain in the ass." Jimin whispered towards her and I hit him lightly on the back of the head whilst letting out a small laugh under my breath. Soon after San-ha came back with a doctor.

"It's time for her to wake up." She grinned as she looked at me, but I was starting to get nervous about whether she'd be happy about finding out who I was, whether she'd still want to talk to me.

"Excuse me sir," I spoke up and directed this towards the doctor. "Can you give me five minutes please?" He nodded so I quickly walked out of the room, dragging San-ha behind me.

"What's up Yoongi?" She said as she looked at me.

"What did she think of me before this happened?

"She didn't hate you, but you weren't exactly the most inviting person but she understood that you were just someone who kept to yourself and in all honesty I think she had a feeling that you were 'suga' anyway."

"Really? That's..." I let out a breath. "That's a real relief."

The doctor poked his head out of the door and motioned for us to go back in. I sat next to Jimin whilst San-ha stood by the window behind us.

"Due to the fact that we induced the coma, she is only in what we call a light state meaning that she could've woken up at anytime, due to the fact that we kept her machines on, the body did not feel the need to wake her up early but in this case once I turn it off, she should start to wake up but just give it time." The doctor said as he did the procedure to turn off her machines.

I switched seats with Jimin and held Eun-ha's hand, silently begging her to wake up.

About 20 minutes after her machines were turned off, I felt the hand I was holding, tighten against my own, I looked up to her face and saw her eyelids moving slightly.

"Jimin look!" I said and nodded my head towards Eun-ha's face. "I think she's waking up."

I was so close to tears because I was so happy that she would finally be awake and know who I am. A little over an hour had passed, I heard a murmur and to my surprise it came from Eun-ha, I looked at her face as her eyes slowly opened, she looked straight at me.

I stared back as she said one thing.



Well that was a terrible ending but hey at least she knows who he is now, anywho, I'm gonna start a new ff based on Chen from Exo so check it out if you want (shameless self promo, what even am I? Ew)

But I hope you liked it and yeah leave comments about what you thought ^_^

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