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Unicorn: thanks for the heads up from kookie

Sweetlikesugar: it's okay sorry I couldn't make it

Sweetlikesugar: didn't want to look at your ugly face ;)

Unicorn: is that anyway to treat a lady?

Sweetlikesugar: you're about as much of a lady as my foot is

Unicorn: your foot must be pretty feminine then ;)

Sweetlikesugar: pls shut up before I get kookie to drop kick you

Unicorn: why can't u

Unicorn: oh yeah

Unicorn: you're short af

Sweetlikesugar: mean

Unicorn: Dafuq

Unicorn: you called me a piece of shit the other day

Unicorn: and now IM the mean one?

Unicorn: pfft double fucking standard dickwad

Sweetlikesugar: pls stop the spam

Sweetlikesugar: saveme2k16

Unicorn: no ones gonna save your sorry ass

Sweetlikesugar: well damn

Sweetlikesugar: wait have you been looking at my ass

Sweetlikesugar: bcos I've been looking at yours

Sweetlikesugar: that's why I wasn't in, I threw up when I looked at it

Unicorn: you're such a dick  XD

Sweetlikesugar: I have a dick but I'm not a dick

Sweetlikesugar: there's a difference

Sweetlikesugar: btw kookie called you beautiful

Sweetlikesugar: oops wasn't supposed to say that

Sweetlikesugar: why aren't you talking

Sweetlikesugar; fine bye then

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