stfu kookie before i shove my foot up your ass

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Sweetlikesugar: morning kookie

Kookiemonster: hello hyung what's up?

Sweetlikesugar: I invited that girl to come and hang out with us at 3rd period

Kookiemonster: but hyung I thought you didn't want her to know who you were?

Sweetlikesugar: I didn't but dude, she's beautiful

Kookiemonster: who is she?

Sweetlikesugar: Lee Eun-Ha, look her up on Facebook

Kookiemonster: you're right hyung she is but doesn't she insult you all the time?

Sweetlikesugar: that's true but she also said this

*screenshot sent*

Kookiemonster: so you're both calling each other beautiful? XD

Sweetlikesugar: stfu kookie before I shove my foot up your ass

Kookiemonster: jeez hyung I was joking

Sweetlikesugar: ANyWay

Sweetlikesugar: I'm not going to be in school today

Kookiemonster: but you're supposed to be meeting her

Sweetlikesugar: but I've got an audition at that company I told you about

Kookiemonster: so what do you want me to do?

Sweetlikesugar: find her before third, she has history first, go to room 78 and tell her that I'm ill and won't be able to make it

Sweetlikesugar: oh and kookie

Kookiemonster: yes hyung?

Sweetlikesugar: DONT tell her my real name, if you just say 'he's ill and won't be in the art room at third' she'll know what you're talking about

Sweetlikesugar: don't mess this up

Sweetlikesugar: or I will fuck up your face

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