not yet but hopefully soon

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Punicorn: you're so freaking ignorant

Punicorn: see

Sweetlikesugar: why this time

Punicorn: you take like 100000 years to reply

Sweetlikesugar: like I said when you first started annoying I mean talking to me I am trying to start work

Punicorn: start work? I thought you already did work

Sweetlikesugar: not yet but hopefully soon

Punicorn: are you like an idol or something? 😂

Sweetlikesugar: no but what is funny about that, you don't even know me

Punicorn: I know you enough and you're too mean to be an idol😂😂

Sweetlikesugar: gotta go, bye

Punicorn: what? Why?

Punicorn: hey! Suga!

Punicorn: suager

Punicorn: fuck sake Sweetlikesugar answer god damn it!

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