15 Baby Sitting

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Ichigo and Rukia were both assigned to go to Karakura Town for a month to exterminate hollows, and they left the kids with Byakuya, who was hesitant about watching them at first, but then decided that it would be OK for only four weeks.
They had learned to say words other than shit, like hi and bye, and mommy and daddy, and cat. They also learned how to say fuck, but Rukia stopped them from saying it.
   On the first day, the three of them were sitting around the table eating lunch when Kaien spotted Senbonzakura.
   "Wha dat?" he pointed.
   "That's my zanpakuto, Senbonzakura. You will get one too some day."
  "Me too?" Masaki stressed.
   "Mommy an' daddy got some?"
   "Di names Senzaka too?"
   "No. Your mother's is Sode no Shirayuki and your father's is Zangetsu."
   The twins soon lost interest in zanpakuto's .
   It was all the same routine of breakfast, lunch and dinner, sleep, and little conversations and numerous questions that only small children can think of. It was like this until the third week. Byakuya went into the room that was prepared for his niece and nephew, and found only Masaki playing with the toys on the floor.
"Masaki, where is your brother?" he asked.
The little girl shrugged.
Byakuya picked her up and carried her outside so they could look for Kaien. It didn't take them very long to find him high up in a tree.
"Kaien, come down." he ordered.
Then he noticed that the little boy had streams of tears on his cheeks.
"Can't get down." he whimpered.
Byakuya decided to climb the tree to retrieve his nephew, so he sat Masaki in the grass and started climbing.
He got Kaien down with ease.
   As he was carrying the twins back to his home, they fell asleep in his arms. He loved spending time with Masaki and Kaien, but there was a lot of stress involved, and he couldn't wait till Rukia and Ichigo got back.

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