11 Kaien and Masaki

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Chad, Uryu, and Orihime came to the Soul Society when Rukia was nine months pregnant, and the twins were going to be born any minute.
One night, Rukia woke up to a shattering pain in her stomach.
She started shaking Ichigo. "Ichigo, get the hell up. The babies are coming."
He jumped up and they went to Unohana's. Soon, everyone else was there, waiting to see the little boy and girl.

"FUCK YOU ICHIGO! YOU BIG JACK ASS! I HATE YOU!" Rukia bellowed during an extremely painful contraction.
Ichigo stepped back, and Unohana noticed the hurt in his eyes.
"Don't worry, Ichigo." the captain comforted. "She doesn't really mean that. It's just the pain speaking."
Ichigo had never got as many insults and opologies in those nine hours than he ever had in his entire life, but the horrible experience was worth it for both of them when they saw their daughter look at them for the first time.
Unohana handed the baby girl to Ichigo.
"Awww, she's a female version of you, Ichigo." Rukia cooed as she watched her husband hold Masaki.
He smiled at his wife in response.
Masaki really did look exactly like Ichigo. She had the same spiky orange hair and amber eyes. The only difference was that she was so small. She would probably be tiny like her mother.
Five minutes after his sister, Kaien was born, and he looked like a male Rukia. He had the raven hair and huge amethyst eyes, and he would be short,too.
Unohana left to give them some privacy before their friends came in.
They couldn't stop grinning. Ichigo and Rukia had never been so happy in their whole lives.
Ichigo handed Masaki to Rukia, who was happy to take her, and went to get everyone.
Seconds later, Ichigo came back in with Orihime, Uryu, Chad, Byakuya, and Renji trailing behind him.
"Ohhhhh! They're so cute!" Orihime squealed with joy.
Orihime was given Masaki and Byakuya was given Kaien.
As Byakuya gazed at the baby in his arms and the other baby a few feet away, he started to realize that these little angels would never have existed if Rukia and Ichigo had never gotten together.
"I'm sorry." he said quietly.
"For what, brother?" Rukia wondered.
"For the way I acted about you and Ichigo getting married."
"What are their names?" Orihime asked
"Kaien Byakuya and Masaki Nagisa Kurosaki." Ichigo proudly answered.
Byakuya was stunned for a second that they named their son for him, but then he smiled.
"Those are so pretty!" Orihime exclaimed with her eyes sparkling.
The twins were passed around the room for hours until every body decided to go home.

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