9 Pregnant

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"ICHIGO!!! YOU IDIOT!!!" Rukia shouted angrily from the bathroom one morning, waking him up.
He sat up in bed and put his orange head in his hands.
"Rukia! What the hell is wrong?" he yelled back once he was fully awake.
"Come here and find out!"
He walked groggily to the bathroom of their new house and saw the pregnancy test resting on the sink. He knew what was wrong as soon as his eyes hit the little white stick. He looked at it closer and saw a plus sign on it.
"When did you get that?" he asked.
"Your dad gave it to me a couple days before the wedding and tolled me what it was for."
"So that's why you've been throwing up?"
"Yeah dumbass. Why didn't you use one of those condom things you talk about?"
"I did, but some times they can be defective. And I thought you wanted kids."
"Not now! We just fucking got married! I wanted us to have some time to our selves for a least a year."
"You could still get an abortion."
She put her hand to her stomach. It was still flat, but it wouldn't be for much longer. "No. I don't want this now, but it's still our child and I'm not getting rid of it."
It took them a few weeks to get used to the idea of having a kid.
Ichigo could see himself teaching a little orange haired boy or girl how to fight. The thought made him smile, but Rukia was so tiny. The thought of her giving birth at her size made him go numb with fear. But then he'd remember how strong she was, and he'd be fine. But he would have to remind himself constantly.
Rukia was starting to like the idea too. She could see a little boy that looked exactly like Ichigo running happily through the halls.
She put her hand on her stomach and whispered to her unborn baby, "I'm so sorry for the way I reacted to you earlier."
They put off telling Byakuya for as long as possible, but they went to tell him as soon as she started showing.
"Rukia, Kurosaki, what can I do for you?" he said without looking at them.
He was still mad about the wedding, and how it happened without his consent.
"We need to tell you something brother."
That was as far as she was willing to go. She was the one to tell him that her and Ichigo got married, and he tried to kill him. So Rukia made him tell her brother by threatening to kill him if she had to do it. And deep down somewhere Ichigo knew that the risk of his wife killing him was greater than Byakuya killing him.
"Captain Kuchiki." he started, hoping the respectful tittle would increase his chances of survival.
"Finally, you treat me with some respect." he scoffed.
"Yeah um... Rukia and I came to tell you something."
"What is it?"
Ichigo looked at her pleadingly in one last effort for her to have some mercy, but she just stared at him, waiting for him to spill it out.
"Rukia's pregnant."
"I know."
"Wait, what?"
"Look at her, she's obviously pregnant. Is there anything else?"
"You aren't mad?" Rukia asked. She couldn't believe that he hadn't tried to kill her husband yet.
"I am, but what can I do? I can't take away the child's father and I wouldn't kill my own sister."
They both bowed to Byakuya and left with their eyes three times their normal size.

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