5 Dancing

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The end of junior year came with a dance on the last day of school.
"What's a dance?" Rukia asked when her and Ichigo were walking home from school.
"What? You don't know what a dance is? How the hell? How do you not know what a dance is? You make your zanpakuto do it all the time."
"I'm not exactly sure what this kind of dance is, but I'm pretty sure it's not the same as when Sode no Shirayuki does it. I never heard of a human that could make snow and ice fly out of them."
At Rukia's words, Ichigo got an image. He saw everybody in the gym of the school having ice and snow fly out of them. He started cracking up.
"What's so funny?" Rukia asked, annoyed.
"I can see it!" he gasped.
He doubled over, unable to stand up from the laughter. He was laughing so hard he was crying.
Rukia rolled her eyes. "Damn Ichigo, it wasn't that funny."
Once his laughter died down, he stood up and was serious again. "Yeah it was." he said calmly.
"Now will you tell me what a dance is already?"
"Ask Orihime."
"She knows more about that stuff than I do."
"You really can't tell me what a dance is?"
"Ok I'll just go ask Orihime then."
She ran off.
"Rukia, wait. She's probably not even home yet!"
But she didn't hear him.
"Hey, Orihime." Rukia greeted when she reached the orange haired girl.
"Hi Rukia."
Ever since Rukia and Ichigo started going out. Orihime flat like she hated Rukia, some times she was sure of it, but then she would see her, and despise herself. The thought of Rukia made her want to puke, then she would see her and fell just as close with her as she always had been.
They walked into Orihime's apartment together.
"Is there something I can do for you,Rukia?" Orihime asked her.
"Yeah, I was hoping you could tell me what a dance is."
"Didn't you ask Ichigo?"
"Yeah, but he tolled me to ask you."
"He's just being stubborn. I don't know why he was acting like that."
Maybe he would tell me if I didn't
know what a dance was, thought Orihime, then felt guilty.
"Well," she answered, "a dance is when a lot of people go to a certain place with the one they love and they dance to music."
"Do I have to learn any steps or anything?"
"No. Not at a school dance. If you and Ichigo were professional dancers then you would but in this case you just have to let the music carry you."
"Thanks Orihime. I understand now. Well, I should get going."
"Alright. Bye Rukia. See ya tomorrow.
They waved at each other and Rukia walked home.
"Do you know what a dance is now?" Ichigo asked annoyingly when she got back to his room.
"What?! What Do you mean good? You wouldn't even tell me what is was and all along you wanted me to know? Sometimes I really don't understand you Ichigo."
"I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would make it less romantic when I asked you if you wanted to go."
"It's just how I felt. So do you want to go with me?"
"Yeah of course."
Ichigo walked up to her and they kissed.
"I love you idiot." Rukia said when they stopped for air.
"I love you too, midget."

At lunch the next day Orihime came up to Rukia when Ichigo wasn't around.
"Did Ichigo ask you to the dance yet?" she asked.
"Why didn't he tell you what a dance is then? Or was he just being weird?"
"He said it wouldn't seem as romantic if he tolled me."
Orihime became pale and completely silent.
Rukia noticed the change in her friend's demeanor. "Are you OK, Orihime?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
Rukia knew what was lie. She always knew Orihime had a crush on Ichigo. She knew that they would have to talk about this at some point in the relationship.
"Do you mind?"
"About what, Rukia?"
"About me and Ichigo. Do you mind?"
Orihime shook her head and faked a smile. "No, I don't mind at all."
"I know you're lying. And it's OK if you're not happy about it. I would probably feel the same if he were with you, but if it's any comfort to you at all, I will always be by his side. I will never hurt him."
She faked her smile again and thanked her friend.
The next day they decided to go dress shopping at a store that one of the other girls recommended.
Rukia had to talk Orihime into coming with her to the store and to the dance. She felt like she would be left standing by the wall, watching in agony as Ichigo danced with a woman that wasn't her.
But once she was at the store she felt like her cheery and bubbly self again and pushed the jelousy out of her mind and focused on having a good time with her friend.
Orihime found a dress that she thought was pretty held it to Rukia so she could see every horrifying detail.
It looked like it could have been white at one time but it was copletely covered it beads of all shapes and sizes and colors.
"Rukia, isn't it pretty?" she exclaimed.
Rukia gasped is discuss. Orihime noticed, but thought she was gasping at the beauty of it.
"You should get it."
She got an image of herself wearing that thing that looked like unicorn barf and almost gagged, but instead she politely refused the dress and they continued to look around until Rukia found something that would look perfect on Orihime. It was a pink knee length dress with a loose bow on the side.
"Hey, Orihime, look at this one."
She looked where Rukia was pointing and her eyes sparkled when she thought of herself in it.
She came out of her dream and tried the dress on and it did look like she was born with it on.
Soon after Orihime found her perfect dress, Rukia found hers. It was black and would have come to a normal person's knees, but because she was so short it came to the middle of her calves. It flowed slightly whenever she moved her legs.
"That looks wonderful on you Rukia. It goes so good with your hair. Oh, it's exactly the same color!" Orihime said.
The day of the dance was three says later.
Ichigo and Rukia walked arm in arm to the school and met Orihime, Tatsuki, Mizuiro, Uryu, Keigo and Chad in the gym, where music was playing loudly and couple's were dancing slowly.
After eating some chips and drinking some punch Rukia and Ichigo went to dance.
As soon as the couple started to dance Orihime, who was standing alone against a wall, let go of her jelousy completely. It was the look of worship that Ichigo gave Rukia that finally made her happy for them. And she loved Ichigo, so of he was with Rukia and he was happy she was OK.
She stood smileing as she watched Rukia and Ichigo dance when Uryu, who was wearing a white suit, came and held out his hand to her.
"Do you want to dance?" he asked nervously.
"Sure." She said.

When Ichigo and Rukia got home they plopped down onto Ichigo's bed and started making out, and that lead to touching, then sex.
"Are you sure about this Rukia?" he asked, "It hurts the girl the first time and I don't have a condom. What if you get pregnant?"
"Just hurry up and do it Ichigo." she said breathlessly.
Ichigo entered her as gently as possible and she gasped from the pain, but it went away and it turned into the best thing she ever felt.

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