13 Shit

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Rukia was in her and Ichigo's room,
with the kids playing with some toys on the floor.
"Shit." she hissed in pain as she wrapped some bandages around her arm.
She fought for the first time since her children were born, and because it was the first time in several months, and she wasn't as strong as she was, she got hurt. It was a deep scratch on her arm.
"Shit." said Masaki.
"Shit." Kaien repeated.
Rukia's eyes widened in horror.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit." they both chanted.
Rukia got closer to them, freaking out. "No no, don't say that word. It's not for little kids to say."
The babies ignored her and continued to cuss.
She tried to make them stop saying "shit" but it was hopeless. Those babies were going to say that word and there was no stopping them.
She finally gave up, sat down on the bed, and put her head in her hand.
What kind of mother am I?, she silently lectured herself.
Ichigo came home and heard the tiny voices saying "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit."
He entered the room, totally confused.
"Rukia, what the hell is going on?" he said from the door way.
She glared at him. "Idiot, don't cuss around them. It'll make them learn more of them and they'll be cussing like teenagers!"
"Well how did they start saying sh... that word?"
"I said it when I was putting a bandage on my arm because it hurt."
He was concerned. "You hurt your self?"
"Yeah. I was fighting a hollow. I was stupid and it hurt my arm, but I defeated it."
"Good. And hey, you know what? They're cussing but it's still their first word."
Rukia grinned. "Yeah, you're right!"
They started dancing around the room, occasionally cheering "First word!"

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