6 Marry Me

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Everybody had a good summer. Uryu and Orihime started going out and had a double date with Ichigo and Rukia a little later.
Every body was dreading going back to school, but it was their last year before collage and the only person who was defiantly not going was Rukia. She already had her career and she only went to high school to fit in in the human world.
Ichigo was still trying to decide. He was either going to be a full time Soul Reaper or still be a Soul Reaper but also be a doctor in the living world, but he was leaning towards soul reaper because it would be better for his relationship with Rukia.
Today was the first day of school and it was either going to be the best day of Ichigo's life, or the worst, because today he was going to ask Rukia to marry him.
He stopped walking as they were going to school and Just stood there. It didn't take her long to realize that he wasn't walking by her side anymore.
"What are you doing Ichigo? Come on!" she said.
"Come over here."
"No, you come over here."
"Rukia, just come here, please."
Something in his tone made her walk over to him. "Are you OK Ichigo?"
He took one of her hands and got on one knee in front of her and she knew what he was about to do.
"Rukia, I love you. I want to be with you forever. The first time I saw you, you were killing a hollow in the middle of the street. You got rid of it like it was nothing. I thought you were awesome. A few hours later you came into my room and later turned me into a Soul Reaper. I learned that I loved you when Renji and Byakuya took you back to Soul Society and I loved you ever since. Now I love you more than anything in the world. Will you marry me?"
He stood up and waited for her answer.
She jumped into his arms and kissed him,which took him by surprise, but he knew it meant yes.

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