Chapter Twenty One.

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-----------> I'm aware the song does not go well with the chapter. It's just been stuck in my head all day. (:  And I'm not putting two spaces in this chapter because that just slows me down. Sorry to those who like it.

Also, How To Love is coming to an end soon.


Let me know.


Kyler's point of view.

I watched as Ian continuously circled my mate, taking snipes here and there.

My mate. Of all the damn alpha's in the world.

My blood was boiling, and I had to fight my wolf from taking competely over. If Aurora doesn't kill Ian soon, I know that I will.

Go. Protect. Your. Freaking. Mate.

Shut up.


She wants this though.

And you're the MALE!

I growled as my paws pranced on the ground. The pack would let howls or growls of their own slip out every now and then. They knew what Aurora was doing, and they wanted to join in. But since I'm the alpha's mate (and alpha of my own. Aurora and I have to discuss that part soon.), I ordered them to not interfere.

Ian snapped at Aurora, causing her to make her first move. She scrambled on top of his back faster than lightning, biting here and there. She was weakening him down. Yelps sounded from Ian. In a flash of a moment, him and I made eye contact. His yellow eyes glowed and a hint of a smirk appeared in them. That's when he flipped Aurora over, biting and ripping into the soft flesh of her belly.

Before I could stop myself, my wolf took over. Charging over there, a thunderous growl erupted as I slammed him off of Aurora. I stood over top of her, as Ian and I glared at each other. Aurora whimpered. Glancing at her, I saw she wouldn't be moving for awhile.

Ian pranced around me, playing a little dance. His snout was smeared with blood. Aurora's blood.

Whimpering and a movemnt underneath me, made me jump in surprise. Aurora tried to stand on her feet. Using my snout, I pushed her back down. Her growl echoed into the surrounding trees.

Ian took advantage of my distraction. Before I knew what was happening, his warm jaw was closed onto my throat, dangerously close to my jugular. A surprised yelp escaped my throat, and as fast as I was caught, I was free.

A tumble of black and white fur went shredding through the trees, knocking wolves out of the way. And eventually, they disappeared.

What the...?

I looked for Aurora. Panic rose in my throat as I moved in circles searching for her.

No. No. No. No. No. I chanted in my mind. No. She couldn't have done that. She was too hurt before to even stand properly.

She heals faster than most...


I tore off into the woods, following the snarls. A feminime, and very familiar, yelp sounded into the frigid night air. It only caused me to push harder. The first thing I saw was Aurora. She was in her human form, laying in a ball tucked into herself. Shifting mid-stride, I rushed to her and kneeled beside her.

"Aurora...," I whispered, stroking her hair. Her face was caught in the moonlight, making her unusually pale skin shine. Feeling her wrist for a pulse, my heart sank when no movement whatsoever was found. A whimper caught my attention.

I looked up into the eyes of our pack, surrounding a frozen Ian. Anger flushed through me as I slightly nodded. Soon, Ian was swarmed and his cries of pain was quieted as pack member after pack member finished him off.

Looking back at my mate, I stroked the hair out of her face. "Don't leave me," I whispered, tears streaking my cheeks. Grabbing her into my arms, I leaned against a tree, and buried my face into her neck. Her scent was so strong still. I was so consumed by holding her, that I didn't hear the tiny beating. At first, it was just a slight flutter. So soft, it could have been a butterfly testing it's wings before taking off. Then, it quickened. Soon a rythm was made and I looked up. My mouth dropped slightly as I stared into those beautiful eyes. Except, they weren't golden. Or darkened by contacts. They were a light blue color, so similar to my own. I watched them fade into a dark green, and then back again. Until eventually, they remained the captivating green.

"Take me home, loverboy," Aurora whispered, a small smile playing on her lips.


There's one chapter left after this.

So, sequel.

Yes or no.

It would include:

-Aurora's mother returning home.

-How Kyler and Aurora decided who would be alpha.

-The introduction of Kylers pack. (And yes, his mother again.)

-Jimmy's mate.

-Nana's mate.

-Aurora and Kyler continuing to love. ;3

I need your guys's request to begin this story after How To Love is finished up for good! So let me know if you want it!

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