Chapter Nine.

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Kyler's Point of View.

I watched my mates gorgeous dark auburn hair fly around her face as she turned to see Rosie. God she was sexy when she was pissed. It took all I had to not take her right then and there when she stormed into my room a few minutes ago. But now here was Rosie, completely ruining everything I'd worked for with Aurora.

"And who the hell are you?" Aurora hissed. Even her voice was attractive. It dripped like honey off of her tongue in all it's pure sweetness. What I'd do to her... Snap out of it and get Rosie the hell out of here! My wolf barked at me.

Rosie grinned. She looked exactly like when I last left her. Golden locks framing her heart shaped face, red lips, bright blue eyes. Many have mistaken her for an angel before, but damn does she have a wicked side. I've seen Rosie take on and kick five asses without so much as break a sweat. Her smile made me want to stand in front of Aurora and protect her, but I knew she'd be offended. So instead I itched towards her slowly.

"I'm Rosie. A friend of Kyler's," and with that Rosie winked at me and blew a kiss. Aurora's eyes narrowed and tension vibed off of her. Or was it... jealousy? I smirked. I knew she liked me. 

Aurora turned to face me. By the look on her face, if I didn't do some explaining she'd go through with her promise of killing me.

"Aurora, baby," I began sweetly. Hey, might as well make it all it's worth. Her glare turned deathl, if that's even more possible, and she snapped. "I am not your baby, nor will I ever be Kyler!" she exclaimed throwing her hands up. "Now, who is she and why haven't I met her before?!"

My smirk grew. "You know, you sound like a jealous girlfriend. A really, really adoreable, totally pissed off girlfriend."

"Well I'm about to get real damn cute if you don't start explaining your ass, Thomas," she said using my last name. My eyebrow shot up and I laughed a little.

"You know, I don't recall telling you my last name." Truth was, I was trying to hold off on having to explain to Aurora who Rosie was, and heaven forbid, the rest of my pack.

"Like I'm just going to let a complete strange wolf join my pack without knowing everything about him first. It's not safe and completely idiotic to do so," she stated. I could tell she was getting more angrier and tenser by the second with Rosie in the room.

"Well, what all do you know about me?" I was curious as to what my little mate has found out.

"Sixteen, Kyler Aiden Thomas, rogue since you were seven, straight A student, and never killed one person before." She said it so calmly and matter of factly that I almost believed her until Rosie busted out laughing.

Aurora and I turned to face her. "What kind of lies have you been telling now, Ky?" she asked with her ruby red lips stretching across her pale face. I felt Aurora freeze beside me. Closing my eyes, I breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm down before I ripped Rosie's head off. It was a habit of mine now since finding Aurora, to try and calm the power inside me.


"Sweetie, Kyler is actually ni-" Rosie started before I lunged at her. Tackling her to the ground, I slammed my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"Get out of here, Rosie!" I demanded. Before anyone had the chance to move, a familiar unwelcomed voice invaded the room.

"Whoa, Zimmer! She is a total babe!" Jace. My head pounded as I heard a good bit of my pack run into the house. I heard the stand off downstairs as Aurora's pack protected their territory, and the few stragglers run upstairs to my room.

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