Chapter Ten.

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After how that night ended, you'd totally think that I accepted Kyler and we lived happily ever after, right? Well explain to me then why not even 48 hours later, I'm stuck with him and Carson in a jail cell while being shot with daggers by Kyler and Carson's eyes. Yes, it is true people. I, Aurora Brooks, am in jail with two morons. You see, it all started like this...


I woke up to a soft voice, whispering my name in my ear. The hard surface I was cuddled against was strangely comforting. This has to be a dream, I thought. But the voice got louder. And louder. And louder. Finally, I shot up and looked around. I was going to damage whatever that noise was. To my surprise, I found an amused Kyler laying beside me shirtless and tucked under the sheets with me.

"Finally, princess. I've been calling for you to get up," he said smiling and stroking my cheek with his index finger.

"So you're that annoying noise?" I muttered and rolled over, hoping to fall back asleep.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he chuckled. He laid on his side and wrapped his arm around me. "But, you have to get up."

"No," I said stubbornly and smashed my face into the pillow. I muttered aome incohearable words and felt Kyler's breath against my neck.

"What was that, sweetheart?" he asked causing a chill to race up and down my spine in a good way.

I lifted my face and looked at him. He looked as though he'd been awake for some time, and was waiting for me to wake up. His black and midnight blue hair was dishelved on top of his head and he had stubble on his chin and cheeks already.

"Go. To. Sleep," I said and smiled sweetly at him before resting my head once more, even though I knew I was wide awake now.

Apparently my mate gets words confused because he "mistook" me telling him to sleep, as a challenge for a tickle fight. So guess how the big oaf woke me up? Crushing half my body and almost tickling me to death. And the only way to get him off of me was to declare that I would get out of the bed I loved so much.

With my face beat red, hair a mess, and Kyler's dress shirt he'd given me to wear, I sat on the floor and crossed my arms.

"Aurora," he said frowning.


"What are you doing?"

"Sitting on the floor. Which isn't the bed."

His lips tugged up at the corners and before I knew it, he had picked me up, slung me over his shoulder, and began walking me down the hallway.

"Hey! Put me down! Put me down!" I demanded and began hitting his back as hard as I could. His answer was to laugh a deep, booming noise that filled the whole house. Sighing, I gave up and rested my chin on my hand. We entered the kitchen and he sat me dwn at the table in a chair. I pouted at him and he just smiled. Everyone around us was laughing at that sight, and quickly began greeting me. It was then I noticed the few groups of people staring at me as they stayed deathly quiet. They were people from Kyler's pack and I couldn't quite distinguish the looks on their faces. Though, I was pleased to say when I saw Rosie, that she had a black eye. She scowled at me and I smiled innocently at her which earned a laugh from ocean boy who had seen Rosie's and I exchange. I winked at him and turned back to the seven others who were STILL just watching me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I snapped and a few blushed but still stared.

"Forgive them, dear. They're just curious about your eyes," I heard Kyler whisper in my ear from the left of me. I was still having a staring contest with his pack.

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