Loaded with excuses

342 11 5

Tw: Suicide

Josh POV

Once I came to, I darted up the stairs as quickly as I could, nearly tripping over my own feet.
"MOM I NEED THE CAR" I bellowed into the kitchen.
"We've been over this. You're grounded until your drug test comes back," she retorted. Ever since I ran off she's been making me do weekly drug tests, I'm not allowed to leave until she gets a negative result.
I stomped my foot on the ground as I protested "BUT IT'S IMPORTANT"
"No, Joshua.. Go back to your room."
"Mom I NEED to help a friend"
"JOSHUA KEELER RAMSAY, ENOUGH EXCUSES" she screeched. I'd had enough, I needed to get to her.
She then wrapped me in a quick hug and grabbed the keys, dragging me out the door. Tears stung at my eyes as she handed me her phone, telling me to call 911. I told her to take me to the park on 7th, that's where she'd be. My voice cracked and salt tickled my lips.
"911, how may I help you"
"My f-friend is t-t-trying to ki-ki-ki." I choked out.
"Sir take a deep breath" the operator instructed.
"She's g-going to k-kill herself, g-go to the p-park on 7th, in the clearing , hurry"
"Medical crews have been dispatched to the location, are you with her now?"
"Would you mind staying on the line until they arive"
"O-okay" I croaked.
"I'm here" I sighed after what seemed like an eternity. I sprinted as fast as my legs could  take me. The air felt heavy. I could barely breathe.
Oh god.
There she is.
The phone fell from my hands as I dropped to my knees over her seemingly lifeless body. Her skin no longer shone with its usual glow. Instead it was cold and pale, her lips tinged blue. I brought my head to her chest as I cradled her limp body. Her arms simply dangled, gently brushing the grass. I desperately searched for any signs of life. "BREATHE MABEL PLEASE!" I screamed. Her pulse was weak, and her breathing nonexistent. "GOD DAMN IT MABEL I FUCKING LOVE YOU, DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING LEAVE ME!" Her grey v-neck was quickly stained with my tears as I screamed over her. My mom picked up the phone as she arrived and began talking to the dispatcher on the phone. I set her down on her back and pinched her nose, tilting her head back. I pressed my lips around hers, which were now cold and chapped, and lacked the life they had that night we were pressed against the wall. I delivered full breaths to her lungs, watching them inflate, then deflate. Inflate, then deflate. I continued this, keeping an eye on her fading pulse. At this moment, I was incredibly glad I hadn't skipped class when we had done CPR in gym my sophomore year. I prayed to every god I didn't believe in. I cried every tear I had. I screamed every ounce of wind I possessed. I would give anything to have her breathing again. But yet her chest remained still.

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