Hey, don't you feel it now?

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Josh and I had several discussions in the days following the incident. We also had a lot of arguments. We also smoked a lot of heroin. I hadn't returned to school and was probably failing. Josh was probably failing as well. His mother was freaking out and making him take daily drug tests, which he faked using someone else's urine. Needless to say we were spiraling out of control. We also didn't care. We were together and that's what mattered. Or so we thought.

"Hi Mabel!" Josh exclaimed as he ran up toward me. He wrapped me in a hug and tackled me to the ground from where I was sitting.
"Hi" I mumbled back. I still had reservations about trusting him. He ran off, left me, then fucked my best friend. He says he understands why it's difficult for me to let him in, but I'm not sure he truly does. The sun was shining through the leaves and the soft air caressed my skin, it should have had me in a state of complete bliss. It was what people reckoned to be a "picture perfect" moment. I wasn't though. Instead, I was high off my ass.

You see, the thing about heroin is that it makes you stop caring. This is part of why it was so addictive. All the bad just disappeared every time the vapor hit your bloodstream. The part everyone always forgets to mention is that the good disappears too. Happiness? Don't you feel it now? Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but with Heroin, forget it. With heroin happiness doesn't exist. Sure, you're hit with a numbing euphoria, but it's all artificial. It doesn't feel anything like the rush you get when you plummet to the earth in a coaster, or when you win your first soccer game. It feels nothing like collapsing in bed after the best sex of your life, or falling in love. It instead, makes you plummet to the earth in darkness, makes you quit everything you loved, it makes you mindlessly fuck strangers, yet you continue to fall more and more in love with it and nothing else. It was a falsified high in a falsified world that you didn't want to leave.

I was content with it. With heroin, I didn't care that Josh had fucked my best friend. We weren't in love with anything except heroin. It made losing things easy, it made breaking things easy. It made it easy to forget. Within a week of the incident, we were sucked back into the world of drugs and casual sex and had totally forgotten about it.


I know it's short but it's been a month so I figured I'd give you something. This sets up the next few chapters and yeah the next should be out within the next day or so. Whoop.

Ps don't do drugs

Push (Josh Ramsay)Where stories live. Discover now