Chapter six

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Kaitlyn's POV

Today is the day. His day. He gets to finally get over everything. Start new. But I don't want that! I want my old life back! I want my boyfriend to love me, care about me. But not anymore. He is different now. He doesn't want any love.

Lexi walked up. "Yo." That's what she always says. Yo. Nothing else.

"Hey. Ready for more weight training?" I made my voice sound sarcastic, but left out sadness, hopefully.

"No." Wow. Lex really didn't talk much, did she? Or is it just me? Did she not like me anymore?

"Oh. Okay. I'm gonna go get changed now. See you inside."

After changing into my P.E. clothes, I headed for the gym. We had our own weight room - yuck - but it's okay. I try my best even though I'm barely seventy pounds.

Later that day, maybe around noon, I became ancious. I don't want to be in math class! I want my boyfriend back! I want us back! Together...

I jumped out of my seat.

The bell had just rung. Was it 12:30 already? I couldn't tell. My mind was fogged up.

"Hey silly billy! Ready for an awesome lunch? I HAVE COOKIES!" Jeez, Chelsea was always so hyper. Oh god, is that how I act?!

"Sorry, Chel, I'm having lunch with my...boyfriend." I couldn't say his name anymore. It hurt me too much to even think about him.

"Kk see ya after school, study buddy!" Stop calling me such random names! Jeez! 

"Bye." Once Chelsea walked away, I went up to him. He looked like he had just puked. So pale. But what happened? I had to stay mellow, remember, I don't know yet.

"Hey what happened? You okay?" I reached for his hand like I always do, but he hesitated and pulled away.

"I gotta tell you something..." Uh oh. Not here! Not with like a billion people in the hallway!

"You can tell me anything" I said.

"What the-" A mob of girls ran up to him. What did they want?! We were busy here!

One girl pushed her way through the mob. "Hey, my friend thinks your cute. Wanna go out with her?" 

"What?!" I shrieked.

A smaller, shy girl came through being pushed by her 'friends'. She had curly, dark hair to her shoulders. A small flower clip in her hair. Aww... I started to think that the girl was okay. But wait, she was ambushing a guy - who had a girlfriend - cornering him! But did she want that? Maybe her friends presured her into doing it!

I stepped foward, facing the girls. At least ten were crowding the already small space. "Hey. It's nice to meet you!" I faced the small girl. "I'm his girlfriend!" Wow that was rude. 

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you. I should go no-" She was shoved by a taller, stronger girl. Maybe the leader? I don't know.

She put on a sarcastic smile. "Hey sweetie pie. Your his little girlie friend? Why dont you just scedaddle outta here before things get bad, kay?" 

I stared into her eyes, not knowing what to do, then faced Dominic.

He nodded and stepped foward. "Hey, leave her alone."

I smiled.

"Oh hey, if your his girlfriend, have you ever kissed?"

Oh no.

He stepped back shyly. Great. Leave me to do the talking. "No, we haven't. But it's not your buisness to get into our personal lives!"

Even after what I just said, a few girls starting to chant. "Kiss! Kiss!" It grew louder as everyone chimed in. "KISS HIM! KISS HIM!"

He stepped back even more nervous. Oh god.

"No, I don't think we should." I nodded in his direction.

But damn, I wanted to kiss him so bad! Just not here, not now. Not around these girls. Oh yeah - flash back - he was going to break up with me today.

"Oh come on, scaredy cats! Kiss each other! You make a great couple!"

Now you say that.

He grabbed my wrist and tugged me out of the hallway.

"I'm so sorry!" I actually started to cry, but I held it in.

He just glanced at me. "Kaitlyn..." He started, but I knew he couldn't finish.

"Let's just sit down and put this all behind us." I forced a smile, but it was incredibly hard. I knew what would come soon enough.

After we sat for a little while eating our lunches, he spoke to me softly. "Kaitlyn, I really don't think this is working out. Us, I mean."

I interrupted saying, "I'm sorry about the girls but-"

I saw his pain. He sat there for a second, and then continued. "This isn't about those snooty girls or anything else. This is about you, and me. It just isn't working out. You are so clingy all of the time. I wanted to tell you, but I thought I would make you upset. I was afraid that you would hate me."

"!" I sat dumbfounded.

"Yes." His eyes seared an image into my mind. Sad, dissapointed, but relieved.

"Oh." I stuffed my trash and uneaten food into my lunch tote. "I should really go now.." I started to stand up, wanting to leave because of how oquard it was.

He seemed happy. Yet, sad. I don't know. He has always had mixed emotions. "Okay, bye."

Great. He really did hate me. He didn't even care how much it hurt me.

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