For everything a reason

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"And so they say, Lord, for everything a reason. For every ending a new beginning. Also they say, baby for everything a reason. And those who loved before will be brought back together. Yeah those who loved before will be brought back together. And so they say baby for everything a reason. And so they say baby you will be brought, brought, back to me..." For everything a reason by Carina Round

Draco scurried out of his bed and rubbed the sleep off his eyes. He yawned as he walked straight to his private loo. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth; he exited his room and padded straight towards the Grand staircase. He was about to descend when he noticed his cousin passing by. "Good Morning."

Luci threw him a dirty look and ignored him fully.

He was confused by her uncanny reaction so he trailed behind her, "Someone's not friendly this morning," he teased.

"Hmp," Luci huffed and continued her pace.

"What's gotten into you?"

Luci ignored him and kept walking.

He grabbed her arm to stop her, "Are you mad at me?"

Luci rounded on him, her face pretty face contorted with annoyance, "I definitely am!"

He let his hand drop, "What did I do this time? I don't remember doing anything that might upset you."

"You're really thick, no?"

He only quirked an inquiring brow as a response.

Luci stomped her feet like a petulant child, "You promised me that you'll introduce me to Theo last night, but you didn't!"

Their earlier conversation before dinner crossed his mind, "Oh."

Luci's eyes narrowed into slits as she spun on her heel, "You're such an arse!" she harrumphed.

"I'm sorry! Please don't be mad at me, sweetheart - I promise I'll make it up to you."


He hurried his steps and pulled a chair for her, "He'll be visiting again soon, I'll make sure that I'll leave you two alone so you can get to know each other, I promise."

Luci sat down, "You promise?"

He took the seat next to her and offered a reconciliatory smile, "You like him that much?"

"What gave you that idea?" Luci lifted her chin snottily and started stirring milk into her coffee.

He grabbed a scone and began spreading marmalade on top of it, "You seldom get mad at me."

Luci wrapped her dainty hands around her cup, "Am I that obvious?"

He chuckled again, "No, I just know you too well."

Luci nodded and threw him a coy smile, "Any plans for today?" she asked, changing the topic.

He wiped the crumbs off his lips and leaned back on his chair, "None in particular, but I'm thinking of asking Hermione out, I'm just not sure if she's free today."

Luci beamed, "I want to meet her!"

"But you already know her, you met her last week, remember?"

"I want to meet her as your cousin and not as your pretend girlfriend."

He thought for awhile and nodded, "Okay, as long as you keep your head in check, I won't mind setting it up."

"I always have my head in check!"

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