If I were you

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"Days go by and I feel that you can make me happy. Times goes on and I feel that love is at my door. And though I tell myself that you're the one who said those words before. Though it hurts too much, I can't trust in love again..." If I were you by Tamia

The whole afternoon went by smoothly for Hermione. After dropping by the twin's joke shop, Blaise took her for a quiet dinner in Muggle London, much to her surprise.

"How do you like the food?" Blaise asked while sipping his wine.

"I love it, I never knew this place exists," she smiled.

He chuckled, "Well now you know, it's a good thing that you love Italian food," he replied.

"You never fail to amaze me, Blaise. I mean, how do you even know this stuff? I never even told you that I love Italian food!" she replied while twirling her pasta.

He braced his elbows on the table and stared at her intently, "Well, let's just say that if I'm really interested in a woman, I make it to a point to know everything about her. I pay attention, even with the tiniest details," he replied flirtatiously.

She rolled her eyes as she nibbled on her garlic stick, "Stalking is a serious crime Blaise, make sure you don't get caught."

He threw his head back and laughed, "Love, I don't stalk. I just have a way with my words. And besides, I won't ever do that to you - you wound me woman," he said feigning hurt.

"Good to know, because if I ever caught you, I'll hex your arse to oblivion," she winked.

He leaned back on his chair and shook his head, "Totally barbaric," he joked.

She laughed; "It's nice to know that you finally got my drift, lover boy."

"Lover boy? I like the sound of that, it sounds sexy."

"Men, you're all the same."

He threw her a playful smile, "Of course not, we come in different shape and sizes," he wiggled his brows.

She giggled, "You're a pig!"

"A pig? Pray tell, what did you thought I meant, princess?" he challenged.

Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment, "I'm not doing this with you, you're bloody bonkers!"

"So cute, you're blushing! I never thought I'd actually make Hermione Granger blush like a teenager," he teased.

"Oh, shut it!"

He lifted his hands in mock surrender, "Okay, I'm sorry. Let's just quit the topic while we're ahead. And besides, I don't want Potter to think that I'm corrupting your virtue in anyway."

"Good," she replied as she took a large sip of her wine.



"Have you already decided about my - err - offer? About the ball?"

She placed the glass back and clasped her hands together on top of the table, "To be honest, I haven't really decided yet. I miss Hogwarts and you're right, I really don't want to disappoint Dumbledore," she paused and lowered her eyes to her lap. "But I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back there just yet," she admitted.

He furrowed his brows, "Just yet? Why? Did something happen there?" he asked.

"No," she lied. She lifted her gaze and stared into his eyes, "I really don't know yet, Blaise. I'm sorry," she said.

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