Next to you

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"Maybe we're friends, maybe we're more, maybe it's just my imagination. But I see you stare just a little too long and it makes me start to wonder, so baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too, maybe I, maybe I just gotta get next to you..." Next to you by Jordin Sparks

Draco yawned loudly as he walked towards the spot where they're supposed to meet. He slipped his hand inside his pocket and fingered the pendant that kept him awake for most of the night. A tired sigh escaped his lips just as the Black Lake came into his view, "And now, I wait" he mumbled.


Subtle looks, secret smiles, that's what Draco and Hermione's friendship turned into. After that fateful night in the Library, they both decided that it would for their best interest if they kept their friendship under the wraps. It's not that they are ashamed of what they have; it's just that they both knew the risk if the wrong sort of people found out. Their fear at being caught didn't deter them from spending time together though. Thrice a week, they make it to a point to sneak away from prying eyes and hide at their favorite rendezvous. His boulder by the Black Lake has been a good refuge. Hermione placed a few of her self-made wards which Draco fortified with his modified version of a "Notice-me-not" charm. The combination of the spells they casted adhered to each other perfectly, which made them both relax.

Often times, they would find themselves just sitting next to each other without even speaking. She would take out one of her well worn book and start reading while he just stared at the still waters, deep in thought. The companionable silence they shared only proved how far their friendship has gone. They don't need petty conversations to be able to spend time together, which is a rare feat considering how much they love verbal sparring.

"Who are you taking to the Yule Ball?" Blaise asked.

He stopped mid-drink, his face full of confusion. "Huh? Is there another Tri-Wizard Tournament that I'm not aware of?"

Blaise chuckled, "I knew you weren't listening."

He placed his goblet back on the table, "Listening to what?"

"The old coot just announced it a few minutes ago, we'll have another Yule Ball, sans the tournament."


Blaise grabbed his spoon and started eating his pudding, "So, back to my question, who are you taking to the Ball?"

An image of a brown haired bookworm crossed his mind's eye. "I don't know, you just told me about it," he lied.

Blaise let his spoon hover on top of his plate, "Well, you better get started before all the good ones are taken" he said thoughtfully.

He placed his napkin on top of his plate before pushing away from the table, "Yeah, I'll get right to it" he said.

"Do that."

He snatched his satchel from the bench before turning on his heels, "See you later," he said absentmindedly before heading towards his next class.


"That's it Draco Xavier Malfoy" he talked to his reflection. "You have to bloody ask her. You're already friends with her, how hard can it be?" he mumbled.

"Why are you talking to yourself?" Gregory Goyle asked.

"I'm not talking to myself, I'm memorizing some potions ingredients" he lied smoothly.

"For what?" Vincent Crabbe asked.

"None of your business" he snapped.

Vincent opened his mouth to respond but Gregory slapped his meaty palm on top of his friend's mouth, muffling his words.

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