Chapter 19

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Louis skipped back into the room with a huge grin on his face. He had just gotten off the phone with his parents and couldn't wait to tell Niall the news. "My parents say they can meet with you now."

"Good, we shall head over now" Bobby said, taking Maura's hand. "Will you please escort us there, Louis?"

"With pleasure" Louis replied.

"Wait for me" Niall called out.

Louis turned and looked at Niall. "Are you sure you feel up to it? I mean like an hour ago you were passed out on the ground."

"I'm fine" Niall promised, not wanting to leave Louis's side again. He felt like he was missing his other half when Louis was gone.

Louis searched Niall's face for any traces of a lie. "Alright, but if you start to feel dizzy you tell me right away."

"Okay" Niall agreed, happy he was allowed to tag along. Harry, Liam, and Zayn followed Louis to the Tomlinson building.

When the group came through the front door, they was greeted with shocked expressions. Ashton jumped up from the couch and yelled, "what are they doing here?"

"They are with me" Louis responded. "And if you have a problem with that you can say it to my face." Ashton backed down, and went back to the couch. He was not in the mood to get fired.

"I thought you hated the Horan boy" Luke commented with a venomous tone.

"His name is Niall and I could never hate him. I love Niall Horan with all my heart." Niall smiled lovingly at Louis, and nuzzled his head against Louis's neck.

Louis led the group to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. "Your workers seem friendly" Maura sarcastically remarked.

"Mom" Niall whined "be nice."

"It's fine babe" Louis said, pulling Niall closer. "Hey guess what?"

"What?" Niall asked.

"I love you" Louis answered, staring lovingly at Niall.

"You always tell me that."

"Yes, and I will never stop" Louis responded, kissing Niall's hand.

Harry coughed loudly, making disgusted noises. "Get a room" Liam laughed, getting a high five from Zayn.

The elevator stopped on the top floor, and Louis led everyone to his parent's office. Troy and Jahannah were waiting for them. "Welcome" Johannah greeted, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Please come in Mr. and Mrs. Horan."

Louis was about to walk in, but was stopped by his father. "Stay out here, Louis" Troy ordered. "The Horans and I need to have a serious conversation alone." Louis nodded his head, and shut the office door.

He sat down next to Niall, waiting for the adults to finish talking. Harry and Liam appeared to be getting along. They were finding out they had several common interests. "This is amazing. I never thought I would see our two families talking."

"It is pretty crazy. But as long as I have you nothing can bring me down."

"You guys are so cute it hurts" Harry joked, playfully elbowing Liam to get his attention. Liam pretended to throw up in a plant, while Zayn rolled his eyes at their stupidity.

Louis turned to Niall and said quietly, "you know what I missed a lot?" Niall gave him a curious look. "I missed kissing you." Niall's cheeks became red as he blushed. The two boys leaned in and soon their lips connects. Their lips moved in sync. The kiss was passionate, since both boys were carving it so much.

Liam quickly pulled them apart. Niall made a cute whining sound. "Hey Louis, don't forget I still don't like you" Liam reminded, sitting in the middle of the lovers. "You still need to prove to me that you will never hurt my cousin again."

"I will prove it to you then" Louis promised, shaking the boy's hand.

Niall gave a smug look and asked, "hey Zayn, doesn't the new Downton Abbey come on tonight?"

Zayn's eyes went wide, as he remembered his favorite TV show. "Fuck me" he cursed. "You idiots made me miss my show." Harry and Louis cracked up, knowing this was the second time they kept Zayn from watching his favorite show. "I swear to god if my dad watched it without me, he is dead."

While Zayn's world crashed down around him, the other lads joked around. Finally after what seemed like hours, the office doors opened. "Niall and Louis please come in" Maura ordered, standing in the doorway.

Johannah pointed at Harry, Liam, and Zayn and said, "you three can leave now."

"Downton Abbey here I come" Zayn exclaimed, running towards the elevator. Harry and Liam decided to wait out in the hallway for their cousins.

Niall and Louis walked over to the two open seats. "Louis, do you love Niall? And please be completely honest with me son" Troy asked.

"Dad, I love Niall and I can't imagine a life without him" Louis responded, wrapping his arm around Niall's shoulder.

Bobby looked at his son and questioned, "and do you love Louis?"

Niall nodded his head yes "with all my heart and soul."

"Well looks like it is settled then" Johannah said, looking over at the other adults. "Our businesses will merge together."

"Really" Niall exclaimed, his eyes lightening up with excitement. He honestly didn't think it would be so easy.

"We can't continue this stupid feud, and get in the way of your love" Bobby explained, looking at the two boys.

"We just want to make you two happy" Troy added.

Maura smiled "Besides, we will save a lot of money by coming together. We won't have the constant fighting and a much bigger business."

"We can probably extend to other parts of the world" Troy imagined, leaning back in the chair.

Johannah looked at her husband "sweetie let's not think too far in the future. Let's just celebrate tonight. Celebrate that our families can finally become friends, and stop the stupid fighting."

"You know, I forgot why we even started fighting in the first place" Maura admitted, with a small giggle. Troy and Bobby laughed, realizing how petty the fight was in the first place.

Niall bounced up in excitement. "This is amazing" he gushed. "And it's all because of you Louis."

"And you Niall" Louis disagreed. "This is all because of you. You wouldn't let a stupid last name and family feud get in the way of our love."

The next morning both companies sat down their workers and shared the good news. Many of the employees were pissed, but they learned to get over it. The majority of them were happy that the violence was coming to an end.

Hello loves. Here is the second to last chapter. The next one will be the last chapter and a kinda epilogue.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And don't forget to vote and comment.  

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