Chapter 3

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Niall couldn't get over what had happened. Never in a million years did he imagine the party his dad threw, would actually find him a boyfriend. Niall jumped up and down in excitement. Ever since Louis left he couldn't stop thinking about him. The door to the music room opened and Zayn and Liam walked in. "Where have you been?" Liam asked the blond. He watched with a confused expression, as his cousin jumped excitedly.

"I met the most amazing guy" Niall gushed, his cheeks becoming bright red.

"Really" Zayn exclaimed, running over to his friend. He wanted all the juicy details. "Tell me more."

"You sound like that Grease song" Liam joked, getting a giggle from Niall.

Zayn admitted, "it is a great song. But tell us what happened."

"Well I went out on the balcony to clear my head, and then I saw him. He was perfect. We talked for a while and had a lot in common. And then I took him to the music room. And then he......then he" Niall retold, getting too excited to finish.

"And then he what?" Liam asked, needing to know what happened next.

Niall smiled "he kissed me." Liam went over to his cousin and joined in on the excitement. Zayn wrapped his arms around his friends, and soon the three boys were doing a happy dance.

"I'm so happy for you Niall" Liam stated honestly. He knew how worried the blond was about tonight. Seeing Niall so happy, made Liam overjoyed. Liam can't stand seeing sad Niall, it breaks his heart.

Zayn finally let curiosity get the better of him, as he questioned "What was his name? How much do you really know about him? Do you think you guys will even last? How long were you with him?"

Niall stopped dancing and stared at Zayn. "I think you went a little overboard on the questions. Turn your police mode off Zayn" Niall sassed, sticking out his tongue. He knew Zayn only meant the best. Zayn was very protective over the blond just as Liam was . "His name was Louis. I know a little about him, since we played the question game for a bit. I'm not sure how long we'll last." Niall answered honestly. "And yea, did I answer all your questions?"

Zayn inhaled sharply when he heard the name Louis. It couldn't be his Louis right? He decided not to bring it up, or at least not yet. "Well I should probably head out. I bet my dad is worried sick" Zayn said, checking his watch. Paul could send out the whole police force to look for Zayn, if he doesn't come home soon. Zayn also had some investigating he needed to do.

"It is late. I'm going to head to bed" Niall added, hugging both boys goodnight. "Thank you both for being such amazing friends. I don't know what I would do without you guys."

Liam quickly said, "Niall you're my cousin. I would do anything for you and your happiness. You're my best friend. All I want to see is you being happy."

"Same here except the whole cousin part" Zayn said. "I bid thee goodnight. I shall see you in the morning." And with that Zayn headed home, the thoughts of Niall's mystery guy running through his head. It couldn't be his Louis.

Niall and Liam headed to their rooms. The bedrooms were right across from each other. "See in the morning" Liam called out, shutting his bedroom door.

Niall pulled out his phone and debated on whether or not he should text Louis. Finally he sent the boy "hey". Moments later, Niall's phone began buzzing against the dresser. Niall saw Louis was calling him. Picking up the phone, Niall taunted "did you miss my voice that much?"

"Hey it's not my fault your accent is so sexy" Louis defended, putting a little sass in his voice.

"Yours isn't so bad either" Niall playfully added, laying down on the bed. "Did you have fun tonight?" Niall asked. He really hoped Louis would say yes because Niall had the most amazing time.

"Yes, meeting you was probably the highlight, well that and getting free beer" Louis answered jokingly, hoping to make Niall smile. Truthfully, the night went a whole lot better than Louis imagined. He not only met Niall, but he stopped thinking Josh.

Niall laughed into the phone, "are you always this sarcastic and funny?"

"Only with everyone I come into contact with. It is a blessing and a curse Niall."Niall laughed again. It seemed that Niall laughed at everything Louis said. "Hey Niall can I ask you a question?" Louis requested, his heart beginning to beat a little faster.


Louis took a deep breath to muster up some courage. "Do you want to go out on a date with me and eat food?"

"Well I do like food" Niall responded playfully. "I would love to go on a date with Louis. Just give me the time and place and I'll be there."

Louis did a little dance in his room, thankful that he was alone because his dance moves were horrendous. He was so scared Niall would say no. Now he was going on a date with the beautiful blond boy. "Thank you so much you won't regret it" Louis promised, after realizing he hadn't said anything for a couple seconds.

"I already am" Niall teased, silently though he was freaking out.

"I'm hurt Niall."

"Good" Niall laughed. "Hey Louis, what is your last name? I feel like that is something I should know if I am going to go on a date with you."

Louis was taken aback by Niall's question. Should he tell him his real last name or make up a fake one. What if Niall tried using Louis for the money. What if Niall hated the Tomlinsons. Niall was at the Horan party Louis remembered. He decided to play it safe and go with a fake last name. Once Louis knew more about Niall, he would tell him the truth. "It's Styles" Louis lied.

Niall lied as well responding, "my last name is Payne." Niall wanted to know Louis liked him for his personality, not because of a last name.

Louis yawned looking at his clock. It was already 3 in the morning and he had work tomorrow. "It is getting pretty late. I'll talk to you later Niall."

"Goodnight Louis. Thanks again for tonight" Niall yawned, hanging up the phone. He quickly changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed. Sleep took a hold of Niall, and soon his snores filled the room.

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