Chapter 7

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The next morning, Niall woke up much to his surprise to see he wasn't in his room. Movement on the bed indicated he wasn't alone. He quietly turned his head, to see Liam. Niall sat up slowly, trying not to wake his sleeping cousin. Crawling out of bed, the blond made his way over to his bedroom.

Niall changed into a new pair of clothes, and headed down to the food court for breakfast. After he finished eating, the blond went to check on Michael and Calum. He went to their shared room, and knocked on the door.

A sleepy looking Michael opened the door, and allowed Niall inside. "Calum is fine" Michael explained. "He just bumped his head. He will back to work tomorrow."

"That's great" Niall beamed, feeling very relieved. The visit was cut short, when Niall realized Michael needed more rest. Michael's eyes kept closing whenever Niall tried to talk to him. "I'll come by later today. Go back to sleep Michael."

"I'll make sure to tell Calum you stopped by" Michael said, closing the door when Niall left. The blond and Michael both agreed that Michael needed more sleep. Besides Niall had a lot of work he needed to get done, before his next date with Louis.

Every week Niall's parents would give him a different job to do in the company. They were slowly preparing him to take over the business, one small step at a time. Maura and Bob believed their son should know about every job in the company, and know how to perform it. To them it built character and good work ethic.

Niall's job this week was mail delivery. The job was boring and tedious, but it was better than garbage duty. Niall still got nightmares from that job. He never looked at trash cans the same way again.

He went down to the mailbox, and picked up today's' letters. Reading the names, he put them in alphabetical order, and began his journey of delivering the mail to the requested person. Sure it was boring, but it allowed Niall to meet many of the employees at the company. They were all so nice and each had great personalities. They were loyal and ready to fight for the Horans.

Liam joined the blond a short time later, to help the delivery go faster. He knew Niall had a date in a couple hours, and he couldn't be late. "Thanks Liam you're the best" Niall said, once everything was done. They went back to the mailroom, and saw a new giant stack of letters. Niall's smile turned into a frown, when he realized he still had more letters to deliver. Liam took the remaining mail, saying he could deliver it on his own. Niall argued with his cousin not wanting to leave him with all that work.

"It is not problem" Liam responded to Niall's argument.

"But" Niall said.

"No but's" Liam smiled. "Now go get ready for your date. And I want to hear all about it when you get back." Niall huffed, but finally accepted that Liam wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"You don't need to remind me twice" Niall smiled, leaving Liam to finish work. Arriving in his room, Niall decided to dress casual for the date. He threw on his Derby County jersey even though they weren't playing tonight. And then he put on a pair of jeans. Hopefully Louis liked his outfit, Niall prayed.

Louis was already at the sports bar, wearing the jersey of one of the teams playing tonight. He waved Niall over to a booth right next to one of the TVs. "Nice jersey" Louis joked, when Niall sat next to him.

"Hey, they're my favorite team" Niall defended.

"Whatever you say" Louis said, putting his arm around Niall's shoulder. "Did I tell you that you look amazing tonight?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrow.

"No" Niall giggled, his cheeks turning a dark shade of red. "I'm not wearing anything nice, though."

"You look beautiful in whatever you wear" Louis clarified, kissing Niall's cheek.

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