Chapter 16

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Louis tried thinking of places Niall would be. The only other place Louis could think of checking was the music room, but he guessed Liam already did. Still he went towards the room.

The room was empty just as Louis as suspected. Now that he was finally alone, Louis let the tears finally fall down his face. "This is all my fault" he cried, sliding to the ground. "I'm such a fucking idiot."

Louis wallowed in his self pity, hugging his knees to his chest. Something in the corner of the room caught his attention. He turned his head and saw a foot peeking out from behind the piano. "Niall" Louis gasped, pushing himself up. He ran over to the foot and saw it did belong to Niall.

Behind the piano was where Niall laid. He was pale and unmoving. He looked so dead, and skinny. Louis fell down next to Niall, beginning to sob. He threw off his mask, and began to check over the blond. "Niall, please don't be dead. Just open your eyes" Louis begged, pulling Niall onto his lap. The blond though didn't move, he wasn't doing anything.

Niall's skin was cold to the touch, and Louis couldn't find a pulse. The blond's whole body was stiff and his eyes were closed. If Louis didn't know any better, he would have assumed Niall was sleeping. Louis was full blown weeping. His lover was dead because of him. Niall was dead. "I'm so sorry" Louis wept, running his fingers through the blond's hair.

Louis's heart broke. He felt completely numb. He refused to live in a world without Niall. "Don't worry Niall, I will be joining you soon" Louis promised, between tears.

"But first before I leave Earth, I must say what I should have said to you on that day. The day I screwed everything up" Louis said. "I know I won't be joining you in heaven, because let's face it I am a horrible monster." Louis wiped his eyes to clear his blurry vision. "Niall, I love you. We were going to have a life together, Niall. I wanted to stay up late with you just talking. I wanted to dance with you like no one was watching. We would play music together and grow old together. I wanted to start a family with you. Hell, I wanted you to walk down the aisle and be the man to marry me. But I screwed it up like I always do."

New tears fell from his eyes, as he imagined the life he would have had with Niall. "The life we would have had together would have been amazing. We would work during the day, but I would always surprise you at work. Sometimes I would bring you lunch, or just sit in your office and annoy you. After work, we would talk about our days, telling each other how much we missed one another. Dinner would be amazing, because it would be takeout. We would try cooking class, but eventually we would give up since we're lazy. And then we would watch sports. I will root for whichever team you aren't, so I could show off when my team won."

"We would have been the overly cute couple when we would go out in public. I would constantly hold your hand and kiss you. We would be so sappy and in love, it would be disgusting. We wouldn't care, though. I would take you to carnivals and win you the biggest prize. We would buy couple costumes for Halloween. Our life together would have been amazing, Niall. But of course I had to fucking screw it up."

"I should have never said those things to you. If I could go back in time, I would have said screw last names. You are my life. I was stupid. I was scared of what my parents would think, but I realize now that I don't care. You're the only one I want to impress. You are my other half, more like my better half."

"You can't be dead Niall. You were supposed to grow old. You were full of such life. Now I will never get to see those beautiful blue eyes again. I'm sorry, Niall. I wish I was the one dead instead of you."

Louis's head fell against Niall's chest. "I refuse to live without you" Louis stated. "I won't live if you aren't here."

Louis looked around the room, trying to find how Niall had died. "How did you do it?" Louis cried, glancing sadly at his dead lover. "How did you die? Was it poison? Please tell me you left some left for me?" Louis kicked over the stool. "This is so fucked up."

Looking up to the sky, Louis begged "please if there is a god out there, end my life and let me be with Niall."

That's when Louis found the bottle. It was half empty and filled with a clear substance. "Oh Niall" Louis wept, unscrewing the lid. "How could you do this to yourself?" Louis put the bottle up to his lips. "At least you left some for me."

Louis drank all that was left in the bottle. He felt the poison take hold. Louis fell to the ground and closed his eyes, feeling the toxins begin to enter his bloodstream. "Goodbye Niall" Louis whispered, praying when he was dead the pain would finally go away. Louis closed his eyes for what he thought would be the last time. 

Hey guys. Sorry about this chapter. I promise it will get better but right now things are just sucking. And mainly it is my fault since I wrote it. 

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