Chapter 14

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Liam stood over Niall's bed, deciding the best way to wake his cousin up. "Niall" Liam whispered gently, nudging the sleeping boy. "You need to get up. Your parents want to see you."

The second Niall's eyes opened tears began to fill them. "Don't cry" Liam begged, sitting down next to the blond.

"I was having such a wonderful dream" Niall wept, the tears now falling down his cheeks. "Louis and I were on the beach and walking hand in hand. It was so perfect."

Liam sighed sadly, not really sure how to help his cousin. "Your parents are coming to your room in 15 minutes" he reported, beginning to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Niall cried, seeing his cousin leave his room.

"Your parents want to speak to you alone. Besides, I need to help around the company." When he saw the sad look on his cousin's face, Liam quickly promised " I'll come back for lunch." Niall fell forward in his bed, and sobbed into his pillow. Now his own cousin didn't want to be with him.

Niall guessed his parents were going to kick him out for loving a Tomlinson. He prepared himself for the bad news.

Exactly 15 minutes later, the boy's parents entered their son's bedroom. Niall had forced himself to throw on sweatpants and a baggy shirt. His hair and teeth though, remained unbrushed. Niall was a crying mess, when Bobby and Maura entered the room.

"Niall" Maura cooed, walking over to her son. She wrapped her arms around Niall, and allowed him to cry on her shoulder.

The blond cried against his mom. "Are you here to kick me out of the family?" Niall sobbed, not able to get the words out in a single sentence.

"Never" Bobby remarked, stepping forward. "I know we might not show it that well, but your mom and I want what is best for you. Niall, we want you to be happy."

"We love you very much. We worked hard to provide for you, and to give you everything you wanted" Maura admitted.

"All I ever wanted were parents, who wanted to spend time with me."

Bobby gazed at his son sadly. "We were always there for you, Niall. You just didn't notice. Your mom and I would come and see you whenever we could. If that meant tucking you at 1 in the morning, then we did it. Sometimes we would sit outside the music room, and listen to you play guitar. You are quite good son."

Niall gasped, "I never knew." So his parents weren't ignoring him for all those years. They were always there, they just didn't show it. The boy felt somewhat guilty about assuming that his parents didn't love him. It seemed as though, he was dead wrong about them.

"We want to help you feel better son. Seeing you so sad and depressed, breaks our hearts" Bobby said, sitting down next to his son.

"Your father and I were thinking of throwing you another ball" Maura explained. "What better way to get over Louis, then to meet someone else. We will be talking to each boy individually, and deciding if they are worthy of you. We don't want just any boy talking to our Niall. Liam and our workers will help."

"I thought your workers hated me" Niall admitted, his lip beginning to wobble.

"No" Bobby disagreed, sitting down next to Niall. "We are one big family. Michael didn't mean what he said. He was just caught up in the moment. The whole company wanted to come and visit you, but Liam and I agreed it was not the best idea. There is a whole room downstairs that are full of cards and flowers from the workers. They all love and care about you. We want you to be happy Niall."

"I don't want anyone to see me at the ball. I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of myself" Niall wept, new tears streaming down his face.

Maura wiped away the tears and said, "then we will make it a masquerade ball. You can hide out in your bedroom the whole time if you want sweetie. Your father, Liam, and I will find you a suitable man. Someone who will not hurt you like Louis."

Just at the mention of his name Niall became a sobbing mess on the bed. "Go back to work Bobby. I'm going to stay with Niall for a little bit" Maura explained, staring sadly at the blond.

Bobby nodded his head. "I will begin planning the ball."

Maura and Niall spent some much needed bonding time together. They were making up for lost times.

Happy New Year guys. We made it to 2016 and survived all the One Direction drama. I think we all deserve a pat on the back. 

Anyway how was the chapter? Any predications?

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