Chapter 9

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Louis smiled happily as he waited at the next date. In his hand was a blindfold, and in the other a bouquet of red roses. Since Niall still had the cast on, the two boys had to pick simple dates, not wanting to strain the injured boy. The familiar sight of the blonde's limo, filled Louis with joy.

The car stopped in front of the boy, and Niall climbed out. "Here you go" Louis offered, holding out the flowers for his boyfriend.

Niall gasped, his face turning a light pink. "Thank you Louis, they are beautiful" he admired, taking the roses from the boy.

"Not as beautiful as you" Louis disagreed, kissing the blonde lightly on the cheek.

Before the two lads headed out on their date, Niall gave the flowers to his driver. He instructed for the worker to put them in a vase the second he returned back at the building. Once the car sped away, Louis pulled out the blindfold.

The fabric covered the blonde's eyes, making him shriek. "What is happening?" he questioned, attempting to undo the blindfold.

Louis's hand shot up to stop Niall. "It is a surprise love. I promise, it won't stay on you long."

"Fine, but how do you expect me to walk to the surprise if I can't see. Remember I am injured or did you forget?"

"Who says we will be walking? And no Niall, I did not forget that you broke your leg" Louis countered, picking Niall up.

The blond yelped, when his feet left the ground. "A warning would have been nice" Niall smiled, playfully hitting his boyfriend's chest.

Louis stared down, lovingly at Niall. He began to walk to the surprise date, but his eyes never left the blonde. He loved how the boy cuddled up into his chest. He loved how the blonde fit perfectly in his arms. Louis loved everything about Niall.

The walk was silent, except for the two boys' breathing. "How has work been?" Niall asked, starting some small talk.

"Crazy" Louis sighed. "There is just a lot of fighting. Sometimes I am scared that one day the fighting will go to far."

"I know what you mean" Niall added. "My business is beginning to be affected by all the brawls. I barely see my parents anymore. They used to leave their office at least once a week to see me, now they won't leave at all. My parents sleep in their office, it is getting crazy. I am so.."

Louis cut off Niall with his lips. The lips connected, and instantly began moving in sync. Their tongues soon collided, and Louis licked the inside of Niall's mouth. The blonde moaned with pleasure, and wrapped his arms around Louis's neck. The kiss started to get more passionate, as Louis nipped the blonde's bottom lip.

A clearing of a throat, broke the two boys apart. Louis looked up to see a mother, covering her child's eyes. "Excuse me, but this is a public park" she scolded, shooting Louis a death glare.

"I am so sorry ma'am. I just got a little carried away" the boy apologized. "It won't happen again."

"Good" the woman huffed, dragging her kid away.

When the mom left the scene, Niall leaned into Louis's chest and began to laugh. Small squeals left the blonde, as he giggled over what had just happened.

Louis started walking again, but what he really wanted to do was lie on the ground and make-out with his boyfriend. "Are we almost there?" Niall whined, wanting to take off the blindfold.

Smiling to himself, the boy replied "yes."

Since Louis paid ahead, the worker waved him through. Stepping onto the dock, the boy went over to his reserved white wooden boat, like the one from The Notebook. Niall was placed gently in the boat.

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