Chapter 11

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Niall couldn't control the tears anymore. His whole world was crashing down around him, and he couldn't do anything about it. Louis stomped away, closely followed by his workers. The blond watched with tears in his eyes as his life, his love left him. Louis never turned back once, just walked straight into his building. "He left me" the blond cried, his lip beginning to wobble.

Liam pulled Niall against his chest. "I'm so sorry" he whispered, feeling his shirt get wet from his cousin's tears.

"I can't believe you dated the enemy" Michael huffed, crossing his arms angrily. "How can we trust a boy who does that? You are no heir to the Horan business." Other Horan workers nodded their heads in agreement.

"Go back to work" Liam screamed, coming to the defense of his cousin. "Leave us, or you won't have a job tomorrow."

Everyone went back inside the building, leaving Liam and Niall outside. Niall sobbed against his cousin, feeling his heart break into two. "I loved him" the blond wept.

"I know" Liam soothed, gently rubbing the boy's back. "You don't deserve him. I swear, you will find someone better."

"I don't want anyone else, I want Louis" Niall whimpered, into Liam's now drenched shirt.

Sucking up the pain from his stomach, Liam carried Niall to his room. He knew his cousin was in condition to walk. For all Liam knew, the blond's leg could have been broken again. He laid Niall on the bed, and went to grab his phone. Liam texted Zayn everything, before joining Niall.

Liam checked over Niall's leg, happy it had not broke. The knee had popped out, but the pain was nothing compared to what Niall was feeling in his heart. The boy popped the blonde's knee back in. Niall didn't scream or react, just continued to sob over Louis.

Niall hadn't stopped crying since the incident. He ran out of tears a while ago, but he still couldn't stop sobbing. Niall was broken, and Liam didn't know how to pick up the pieces.

When Zayn received Liam's texts, he was in the middle of a meeting with his father. He muttered "that asshole" and stood up. He pushed his chair out angrily.

"Where are you going?" Paul questioned, observing how pissed off his son looked.

"To kick Louis's ass" Zayn growled, leaving the room.

"Well have fun" Paul called out. "Don't stay out too late, you know tonight we watch Downton Abbey."

"I know dad. I'll be home before it starts" Zayn said, sticking his head back in the room.

Zayn left the police station, and ran over to the Tomlinson building. He made it there in record time, or maybe he just didn't notice how long it took. He was far too pissed to care about time. The run over, Zayn kept imagining what he was going to say to Louis when he saw him.

He walked straight into the building, not even glancing at security. All the guards knew him, so they didn't stop Zayn. They assumed he was here to have a friendly visit with Louis, but they were dead wrong.

Going into the elevator, Zayn punched in the floor number, giving everyone glares, who was in the elevator with him. He was fuming with anger, when he reached Louis's floor. By the time, he got to the boy's room, Zayn could have sworn smoke was leaving his ears.

Without even knocking, he barged right it. Louis and Harry jumped, hearing the door smack against the wall. They were both on the bed, and by the looks of it Louis had been crying. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. "I'm gonna kill you" Zayn hissed, shooting Louis a death glare.

"Calm down" Harry pleaded, getting up from the bed.

"How am I supposed to calm down, when Louis broke Niall's heart?" Zayn screamed angrily, edging himself closer to the bed.

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