Fires 16

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I laid my back on the wall and rested. I feel a thick like liquid touching my fingers. I look over to see the blood pool my hand was resting on. Sean Markle, a 8 year old who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry kid, but you had to die. I get up and walk over to the window, I give Katie a nod. She calls in the successful kill to HQ. I hear a knock on the door, "Sean mommy and daddy are sorry they yelled at you, we are coming in okay?" The mother said. I bolt my body weight to the door. "Sean please, open the door so we can talk" the father said, I don't know what to do. I run for the window and climbed down as I hear a scream echo through the house. I get in the car and we drive off. "So you don't want to talk about what happened? About your dad? Friends? About us?" Katie asked. I looked up her and gave her a glare. "There is no us... bitch" I said. "Call me a bitch again and I won't hesitate to kill you" She replied. "Go ahead and try bitches said in a stern voice. Katie looked at me with a bit of fear. "That's what I thought" I said, we get out of the car and enter HQ. "Jason, Katie... well done now I need Jason to take out the Assassin's grand master" George commanded. With pleasure I thought, I turned to the door and left the facility. Later that day I was at the Assassin's HQ, the grand master walks the hallways. Katie took out some of the Assassins in the hallway as I made my way into the room. "We are being attacked! Formation!" the grand master yelled as he drew his sword. I run at him while we clash our blades against each other. "You have betrayed us for the last time boy!" the grand master yelled at me. I flip around him and collide my blade with his again. "I didnt betray anyone, you betrayed me by attempting to kill me" I grunted. We both swing our blades a couple of more times. "Jason! I can't handle this many Assassins much longer!" Katie yelled from downstairs. I flip around and stab the grand master in his back, exposing the tip of the blade through his chest. The assassins stopped and looked at me as I pulled the blade from his back. The grand master fell and began rolling down the stairs, and stopped at the ground. Dan and my father ran in from the side gates. They see me and then look down at the grand master's dead corpse, Dan gives me a look of loss. My father aimed his hidden crossbow on his hidden blade and shoots it at Katie. I jump down from the balcony and deflect the blade from Katie. "Jason... this is..." Dan tried to speak. "No... dont say anything to me" I said. I grab Katie and shoot up a grappling hook and carried Katie while we were shot up to the roof to make our escape. Katie and I jump into the helicopter that was picking us up and we flew off. That look that Dan gave me... why is it bothering me so much?

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