Confrontation 3

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When I got to school there were cops everywhere, they were searching for the "Hooded man" I heard them say. After I got through security my first priority was to find my "Assassin". Asking around school about the boy who was murdered I uncovered interesting things. It seems that Derek was a huge dick to everyone, he was more than a bully he was an asshole. There goes suspects, everyone hated him then. "Why are you asking me all these questions?" a student asked, I had to reply with an excuse. "Im writing about him in our newspaper", the girl nodded and then walked away. Including me, there are a total of 5 Assassins here in this school. I need to find who did it and fast, because if our Assassin is targeting bullies, they just might take out 75% of the school. After school I rounded up 3 Assassins and sat in the classroom with them. "Something the matter Jason?" Asked Giovanna, "there was a murder in the cafeteria" I said. "Yeah we know that, someone killed him" Dan replied. "Yes but this wasnt just someone, this was an Assassin" I quietly said. "What? How can that be? We are not supposed to kill the innocent" Eric said. "Where is Todd?" I asked, we all looked around to see that Todd wasnt here. I called him on my cellphone but it went straight to voicemail. "Must be on a mission?" Eric implied. I nodded but was still suspicious, "lets keep this topic away from the brotherhood for now" I said. We all agreed and left, I walked down the hallway that had their lights turned off. "Help me!" I heard someone scream, I turned around and ran in that direction. I peaked around the corner, I got annoyed but relieved to see that it was just theatre kids acting. I stayed for a while because Katie was there acting. God I am being creepy arnt I? As I was about to get up and walk away, Katie stopped acting because John wouldnt get up off the seat. "John move now, we already revived you" Katie said. John laid on the bench he died in the story. "John thats enough, you are back alive" the leading actor said. John still didnt move. A stage manager nudged John as he fell on the floor. Katie screamed to see that John had been murdered. "Fuck, the Assassin struck again" I thought, I ran out of the school and went home. I threw my back pack on my bed and ripped off my posters from my wall. I put up pictures of all the Assassins in the school, and connected them to how they knew the victim. My dad came in without knocking and I turned to him. "Hey son I just wanted-, what are you doing?" He asked while he stopped his sentence at first. "Oh this is my plan for when I play with my friends" I instantly replied. "Video games, remember school comes first" he said. "I know, I know" I replied, he left my room and I locked the door. After an hour or two of putting things together I saw it. "Thats it! Thats who killed them!" I silently shouted. I looked at the clock and it was 7:56pm. I put on my Assassin outfit and hopped out the window. Burt Hudson, a bully many people hated, I showed up at his house and entered his room window. I knocked Burt out and put him in the closet. I kept my back at the door as I heard it open, the steps got closer and quieter. I felt a pinch on my back, "should have never picked on people you piece of shit" I heard him say. I turned around and unleashed my hidden blade while stabbing him in the abdominal area. Eric fell to his knees while my blade was still in him. "How did you?" Eric asked, you got sloppy when you killed John. You had enough time to kill him and them come to the meeting. I took my blade out and he looked up at me. "I had to, all these bullies hurting people, I cant stand it! We have the power to take them out and cleanse the world!" Eric said to me. "But you killed an innocent" I told him. Eric spit up blood, "they wernt so innocent when they picked on people" he said. My blade was still out from under my wrists and I raised it and stabbed Eric in the neck. He fell and I shut his eyes. I carried Eric to the yard and placed him aside. I went back into Burt's room and put him back on the bed. I jumped out of the window and carried Eric to base. "What the hell happened?" Giovanna asked, "meet out rogue Assassin" I said to her. I placed Eric on the table while Giovanna was on the computer behind me. "Well no one saw you right?" She asked. "No" I replied. I checked Eric's pockets and then unlocked the crossbow on my hidden blade. I turned around fast and shot Giovanna in the chest. She fell back on the chair while she was aiming her hidden blade at me. "What? How?" She asked, "because this was a two man job" I replied. "You were there when Derek died, people said they saw you give him a hug before he fell. As for John, you were the only Assassin in theatre" I said while walking to her. She grit her teeth, "we need to take out the bullie-" she stopped talking as I stabbed my hidden blade in her chest. Giovanna was now dead, I moved her body to where Eric was. Corrupt Assassins, I never would have thought. As I took their hidden blades and outfits I closed the door to the incinerator. I pushed the button and the flame ignited. "Shit," I said to myself. "I failed".

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