Caught 11

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"Young man, we have a few questions for you" a detective said to me. Im going to jail... Great, "wait a minute, you were the kid from the high school!" Another detective got up to get a closer look. "Do you remember that murder that took place in the school?" The police man asked, "he is the hooded suspect" he answered. "You are under arrest for the mur-" "I AM NOT THE KILLER YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT! HONESTLY IF THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL INVESTIGATING DETECTIVE WORK THEN YOU ARE TERRIBLE DETECTIVES!" I shouted as I broke the cuff that was attached to the bed. Police men drew their weapons. "Please, I could take you all out whether you are guarded or not" I implied. "Now sit the fuck down and listen" I ordered. I looked over to my father to see him sitting down with wide eyes staring at me. "Yes I am the hooded suspect, but I did not kill him. As you can see I am an Assassin, I take out the corrupt scum that harm the people" I said while laying back on the wall. "Murder is murder, you killed people wit-" "not my problem" I interrupted. "Your friends, they are the ones that took down the shooters in the school weren't they?" A police officer asked. I nodded my head to agree. Katie... Dan, everyone... Im sorry but this is it for me. After the interrogation they handcuffed me and put me in the back of a squad car. My dad still staring at me with disappointment. The car starts and we begin to move, "we appreciate everything you did but I have to follow the law" the detective said to me. "It is alright, I understand" I pleaded. "But tell me, at such a young age why were you trained to be an assa-" an explosion interrupted him as a car blew up in front of him. The squad car flipped over, I am dizzy and I can hear gunshots outside. I kick open the door and crawl out. Police and gangs are shooting each other, gang members on the rooftops and inside buildings. "Look out!" A cop yelled as an RPG blew up the cars next to us. I crash back onto the floor with my vision blurred and a sharp noise ringing in my ear. Suddenly the cuffs feel loose, I look up to see the detective uncuffing me. "Help us" he begged me as he handed me my hidden blade and sword. I put them on and look at him. I look over to see a cop pinned down with her squad. Gang members continue to shoot the car she is taking cover behind. I run through the mayhem of bullets and jump into a building. I crept behind corners and assassinated a couple of gang members. "Do you see the Assassin? Did we get him?" I hear being shouted above me. So their target was me. I get around to assassinating the whole building full of Gang members. I run up to the rooftops and assassinate more people. "RPG!" I hear from the streets. I tackle the girl holding the RPG and assassinate her. Rooftops and buildings done. Gang members still shooting police are below me in the streets. I jump from the rooftops and land on someone while assassinating them. I take out 4 people in one instant. I take cover behind a car from the last remaining Gang. I exit cover and run straight at them. I draw my sword and take them out. The gunfire stops, I turn and walk over to the detective behind a car who has been hit. "Die you piece of-" I assassinated the last gang member that was going to shoot the detective. I help him up as cops surround us. He looks at me, I put my sword back into it's holster. I hold up my hands so he can put the cuffs back on. He looks around behind me to see that some cops died but that I saved many of them as well. "Come on arrest me now, you get to say that you arrested an Assassin" I smiled a bit while saying. He looked back at me and gave a smirk. "What Assassin did I arrest?" He asked. I gave him a smile and turned around. Before I walked I had my back to him. "May I ask what your name is?" I said loudly. "Aidan" I hear him say. I begin to walk forward as the cops make a hole for me to go through. Thank you... Aidan.

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