Parasite 10

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So Katie is not the Assassin, which means I don't need to kill her. I look at all the potential suspects that it could be, but no good. Dan, Matthew and Zaro are not the Assassin. Katie is not the Assassin and some people from the school are not the Assassin. I grip my hair a little out of frustration, I look outside my window to see a cop car trying to blend in, while sitting in the driveway. Another car across from them, great... A stakeout. I have to lay low for a while. After a couple of days I see that the police men and the detectives are gone. I put on my Assassin outfit and head out into the night. I climbed the city mall building and sit at the edge. I watch as the city goes about their business. "Jason, this isn't the time or place for you to be sitting around" I hear from behind me. I turn my head to the Assassin behind me. "After all, Katie will die" the Assassin yelled as he turned around and ran. I immediately follow behind them trying to catch up. I eventually tackle him and kick him into an abandoned factory floor. "Ive been getting a reputation off of you Jason" they said to me. "Reputation? Why?" I ask. The Assassin looks around as he lifts his arms up to present. I look up to see that I am surrounded by masked men pointing their guns at me. "I live off of you" the Assassin said. "You're nothing more than a parasite" I yell. "Well... This parasite will be your death!" They yelled as they charge with a sword. My sword is colliding with theirs as we move around the circular room. This fight seems... Different, their movements are... Odd or not the same as before. I flip around the Assassin and slam his shoulders down, causing them to fall. I run up to them and grip their neck. "Hah Jason you're finally-" I stabbed my hidden blade into his neck and then in his chest. "Die you parasitic piece of shit" I said. The army of his have vanished, I run out of the factory and head home. I am feeling a little nauseous, ive lost quite a bit of blood. I tumble from the top of the stairs and black out. I awaken to see that I am in a hospital with a nurse next to me. "What happened? I ask her, she looks at me and checks my charts. "You blacked out at home and your father rushed you to the hospital" she replied. Then that means.... My father saw my hidden blade and my weapons I had on me. I attempt to get out of bed but my hand was stuck. I uncover the blanket to see that my hand is cuffed to the bed. A knock echoes the room and two detectives come inside with my father followed by a group of 10 police officers. Fuck... They found me.

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